Thursday, July 24, 2008

Possom Kingdom

We went to PK Lake for a couple of days and had a blast! There were 5 of us and we rented a cabin that was great. We went tubing, skiing and wakeboarding.

This is a picture of the front of our cabin.

This is the view from the upstairs balcony. It was so nice out there!

I had a great time tubing!

Lee decided to shave his hair into a mohawk before we left for the trip so here is the best picture I got of it. Cory, Lee and Aaron before going out one night.

Cory and I at the 'Bridges over PK' bar. This was the only place that was open until midnight. We played shuffleboard and pool.

Aaron and his girlfriend on the boat.

I think we all had a good time!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Logan Nicole

This is my friend Amber's little girl, Logan Nicole. Amber sent me these pictures and I had to post them, Logan is adorable! It sounds like Bill, Amber and Logan will be moving to Houston soon and I am so sad to see them go but look forward to visiting them ALOT!!

Game in Grand Prairie

Saturday night the Cats played in Grand Prairie against the Airhogs and I got a couple of good pictures of Lee. He looks a little bored in some of the pictures but that didn't last long......the umpire made some really bad calls in the 1st and 2nd innings and Lee mouthed off and got thrown out of the game!! :) After that we just had a couple of drinks and enjoyed the game from the seats.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Tina

Friday evening we celebrated Tina's Birthday at Patrizio's! They have such good Bellini's!
Tina had a great showing for her birthday and she looked fabulous!

Jane, Courtney and Tina

Aaron and Amanda - poor Aaron had to listen to Amanda and I reminisce!

Amanda, Tina and I before dinner

Tina, Annie, Courtney and Katie

Tina and her Mom before dinner

Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 4th

We spent the 4th watching Lee pitch for the Ft. Worth Cats. He is 7-0 now!! My parents came up for the game and we had a fabulous time. There were over 10,000 people there and the fireworks show after the game was amazing!!!

My mom and I at the game.

Flyover before the game started.

This is one of my favorite pictures! This is Lee on the mound during the National Anthem.

This was taken by someone else (hence the 'Proof' on it) but it is a great picture of Lee pitching.

And then the FABULOUS fireworks show!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This is Stella, my friend Julie's little girl.

Julie just sent me these pictures though and Stella is so big and grown up now! She will be 2 in August!

My neices (Mallory and Kendall) just moved from the San Francisco area to Alpharetta, GA! I can't believe how big they are now! Miss you girls!

Stephanie just had a precious baby girl on July 2nd. Welcome to the world Drew Lauren!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Playoffs...last year

This was a night out in Ft. Worth after a playoff game last September! Fun times were had by all!

Trip to Hot Springs

When Spring Training was over Lee and I took a road trip to Hot Springs, AR. We had a great time, although, the first night it rained and rained and we took cover in a bar and had a couple of drinks! The last day of our trip there wasn't a cloud in the sky....of course!

This place has the best Banana Pancakes!

We went to an awesome Tulip 'Extravaganza'! This might have been my favorite!

This is the view from our Hotel room.