Thursday, July 24, 2008

Possom Kingdom

We went to PK Lake for a couple of days and had a blast! There were 5 of us and we rented a cabin that was great. We went tubing, skiing and wakeboarding.

This is a picture of the front of our cabin.

This is the view from the upstairs balcony. It was so nice out there!

I had a great time tubing!

Lee decided to shave his hair into a mohawk before we left for the trip so here is the best picture I got of it. Cory, Lee and Aaron before going out one night.

Cory and I at the 'Bridges over PK' bar. This was the only place that was open until midnight. We played shuffleboard and pool.

Aaron and his girlfriend on the boat.

I think we all had a good time!

1 comment:

Ronna said...

What is that on your stomach? And when did it get there????:-)