Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring is coming

Although it doesn't feel that way today! Last Sunday was really beautiful weather so I decided to head to Lowe's and get some flowers/vegetables. I spent the afternoon planting them and now they look so nice on our patio! I got two tomato plants (I love home grown tomatos!) and several flowers. I took pictures so we can all see what they look like alive:)

One of my tomato plants.

Second tomato plant.

My favorite....Tulips!

This is a first so we will see how I do with it.


This is an assortment of flowers...Bogonias and Dianthus.

My sister has been in town for a couple of days since this is spring break week for her. We have been going to River Legacy park and running/walking in the afternoon since it has been so nice outside! I think today we will have to do any sort of exercise inside though.....
Here is just a funny picture of me at my desk....maybe to prove I do work every once in a while! :)

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