Monday, July 6, 2009

Rundown of the Weekend

How nice a 3 day weekend is! Thursday started off with Lee pitching that evening and doing really well! Once the 3rd inning started the game was delayed because of rain! After about an hour, they called the game. Meredith came up Thursday night to stay the weekend with me. Friday we went to the pool for a while and then did a little shopping before going to see My Sister's Keeper. I read the book a while back and, although it is very sad, it was a great book! The movie was really good but they changed the ending and I like the ending in the book better. Meredith has been sick (just a bad cold) so we took it easy on Saturday. We went to the Ft. Worth Zoo as soon as it opened (to avoid the crowd a little). And we saw so many of the animals, they were all out before it got too hot! I love the zoo and Lee loves that I found someone else to go to the zoo with me:) It did get hot though so we left and headed home to just veg. We went to dinner with Miriam Saturday night and watched fireworks. That same evening my Mom and Dad spent in the ER. Turns out my Dad has pneumonia. He had really high fever and was having trouble breathing but after several hours in the ER they let him go home. He got a shot of steroids and antibiotics. He is home for most of the week to let his body rest. Meredith went home yesterday so now it is back to just me.

I guess that is it for now. Just 4 more days.........till Cancun!!

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