Tuesday, December 29, 2009

White Christmas

I still can't believe we had a White Christmas! It was so much fun! I have pictures of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day below. We went to Lee's parents for Christmas Day and then we went to Tyler on Sunday to see my sister and her two girls. I am waiting on pictures from our Tyler trip, so I'll post those later.

Lily loves the fireplace!

She will lay there until she gets too hot and then go lay by the window to cool off:)

Playing in the snow Christmas Eve.

Our Christmas Tree with presents.

This is Christmas morning - Lee bought me this awesome TT flag and ornament!

Lee's new shoes - they are called Sanuk's and he loves them.

Playing in the snow Christmas morning.

Lee's parents house on Christmas morning.

Lily blends in well.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two Peas in a Pod


These pictures are from Monday night right after Lee proposed. I was holding Lily and trying to show my 'ring' so Lee could get a good picture but that didn't work too well.
She would rather chew on my fingers.

A little blurry....

But this is better - gives you an idea of what my ring looks like.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Last night Lee proposed and, of course, I said YES! He took me to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular (which is one of my favorite things to do at Christmas, thank you Sally:) and we had a fabulous night! It is such a great feeling to know I am marrying my best friend, I feel so lucky!

I love you Lee Gwaltney and I can't wait to be your wife!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Family Christmas

This past weekend we enjoyed Christmas with all of Lee's Mom's side of the family. They all came in and stayed with Lee's parents. We were able to see them Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning before they left.

This was Lily's sweater for the day on Saturday.

Lee and I had 'entertainment' this year. Which means we had to come up with an idea for 'entertainment' for all ages and something not too expensive. We decided on decorating Christmas Ornaments and I think it went over really well.
Here are pictures of the set up before everyone got started.

We had paint, glitter, ribbon, sparkles, stickers, glitter glue and some other stuff I can't think of right now.

Here is Lee with his nephews, Ben and Nate.

Cousin Jeffrey and his ornament.

Cousin Kendra and her ornament.

Barbara and her ornament before I hit is with my jacket and messed it up.

Terri and Bill working on their ornaments.

Aunt Karen busy at work.

Cousin Steve and his ornament.

Kendra's husband, Dave, busy with his ornament.

Cousin Felecia with the glitter glue.

Felecia's daughter Lacy showing off her ornament.

You know who with his ornament:)

Lily got a new bed for Christmas (thank you Kendra) and she loves it!

Lily and the Shower

Lily has a thing about being involved when Lee or I take a shower. She gets up on the ledge and loves to just sit there and get her face wet. Here is a picture of her on the ledge looking in on Lee:)

And then here is a video of her.

Work 'Christmas' Lunch

Friday we had our annual Christmas Lunch and White Elephant gift exchange. I have some pictures below from the lunch and also, the funniest gift that was given!

Miriam and I


Chuck and Jeremy (these are normal poses for both)

Grazyna - eating is her favorite thing to do:)

Randy, Robin and Bob

Justine was the first to get the "Jingle Jugs" but they were soon stolen from her:) You can plug these in and they sing something about 'titties and beer' - hilarious!

And then there is the picture of Chuck.....I gave this a couple of years ago and it has become tradition since then to put it back into distribution during the Gift Exchange. Grazyna got it this year.