Friday, February 26, 2010

Dear IRS,

Thank you for my refund and for being so timely in getting it to me! Please don't send me a letter at the end of this year telling me I owe you money.....

A girl who pays way too much taxes

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bridal Show

I roped in a couple of people to go to the Ft. Worth Bridal show with me last Saturday. It was fun and I got a chance to get information on caterers and (most importantly) honeymoon destinations! After talking to a couple of travel agents that were there, I was ready to leave for my Honeymoon the next day:) Anyway, things are coming together. I booked the ceremony musician yesterday and I think he is going to be awesome.

Thanks Mom, Meredith and Barbara for going to the show with me! I had a great time!

Dear Snow,

I'm tired of seeing you, please go away.

A girl looking for HOT weather

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dear Team USA,

Last night's game against Team Canada was awesome and even better........we won!! Almost on the 30 year anniversary of the 'Miracle Win'. I hope all of you keep riding high on adrenaline from this win and give the Gold Medal a good run!

One of your many fans

p.s. - If you have to play Team Canada again, beat the snot out of them!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wedding Dress

I forgot to post this picture from last weekend. When you buy your dress at Lulu's in Dallas they make a fuss over you with bubbles and wedding music:) Here is my Mom and I after we bought my dress.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All Decade Team

Congratulations Lee! He was voted into the Louisiana Tech University All Decade Baseball Team! This is quite an accomplishment and very deserving!

If you would like to read more about this, click here

Thank you so much to all of you that voted!

Dear Lee,

Lily and I can't wait to see you! We miss you everyday. Lily needs you home so you can play with her until her tongue is hanging out! I don't play with her exactly like you do and when I try, she just looks at me and this look says "can you please tell Dad to come home, he is the one that plays the best!!'.

We love you....


Just a quick note about two really special people that have been chosen to 'go home'.....

When I lived in Beaumont, I went to highschool with a girl named Erin Cloud (Scott is now her married name) and she always had a smile on her face. She has the curliest strawberry/blonde hair and I remember going to her house so she could help me with dance moves because I was trying out for the drill team (um, no I didn't make it.....have you seen me dance:). I did not keep in touch with Erin when my family moved to Tyler but just recently I was invited to join a Prayer Group for her on Facebook. She was battling colon cancer and in January when I first read about her fight, she was in the last stages of what would be her amazing life here on earth. Erin passed away February 3, 2010 at MD Anderson hospital in Houston. She was 32 years old and left behind a husband and 2 young children. I hope Heaven is everything she needs it to be.

One more person I want to write about is Michael. He was a guard at the US Attorney's Office in Tyler (where my Mom works) for years. He was there when I worked as a student in 1997. He was the sweetest person and would do anything for you. I remember his smile. Michael wasn't feeling well last Wednesday night, he went to the emergency room and passed away after suffering a heart attack. He was 47 years old and leaves behind a wife. Michael is someone that I know is absolutely enjoying his time in Heaven and just waiting for everyone else to join him. His passing was sudden and unexpected, which makes it a little harder since you don't get to say goodbye.

Please say a prayer for these two families, as they have lost someone so special.

Wedding Planning

It has officially started. I have made really good progress and I still have 8 months to go! We have booked the ceremony/reception site, photographer and band. I picked out bridesmaids dresses (color and fabric, they are choosing the style they want) and I found my wedding dress this past weekend! Whew, it has been a whirlwind and a little bit stressful but fun, nonetheless. We are going to a bridal show in Ft. Worth in a couple of weekends and I'm excited to see what they have, I've never been to one before.

Lee and I registered a week ago and we had so much fun! You can definitely get carried away with that scanner! It is fun picking out and deciding on all of the different items for your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc.

Anyway, things are going great and we are both looking forward to October 16, 2010!

Olympic Mittens

The hottest item for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver are these Red Mittens. Lee and I saw them on a news show and I loved them and wanted some. So, he made some phone calls and got me a pair!! I feel so special:) They are so nice too, they are fleece on the inside....really warm! Thank you Lee, I love my mittens!

Lily in the morning

So, when I get up in the morning Lily moves to the spot where I slept all night. I assume because it is warm and she thinks the bed is now hers. I took a picture of her one morning after she moved, so you can see what she looks like up against my pillows! Spoiled she is....