Monday, September 20, 2010

26 Days....

Almost there...........

Have I told anyone that I get to marry my best friend? And that I feel like the luckiest girl around?

Well, I do.....


Exciting news in the Gwaltney/Smith household.........Lee has a JOB!!!

He started today and works for SSG (Sports Supply Group), they sell sporting equipment to schools, little leagues, government, etc. They have several divisions that sell to different areas.

So, congratulations Lee, I am so proud of you!

Caroline Julie Bane

Everyone, meet Caroline Julie Bane, 6lbs 14oz, 20". As Julie says, 'she is perfect'! Congratulations Julie and Jason..........and Happy Anniversary!

Welcome Caroline, I can't wait to meet you!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Plano Bridal Shower

Saturday was my bridal shower in Plano. Allison, Miriam and Meredith did an awesome job and I loved every minute of the shower! The decorations, food and, of course, the punch were amazing! Thank you for loving me and doing so much for me!

I like this picture of mine and Allison's face, listening to Amy tell a story:)

Allison, Amanda and Miriam (yeah for Miriam's dress!)

Mom, her co-worker Lisa and Barbara

Miriam, Ronna, Amy, Meredith and I eating - another great facial expression for me!

Meredith, Aunt Janie, Mom and Lisa - I think we were about to open presents.

I love this picture of Amanda, she looks mischievous:)

Mom and I after the shower.

Miriam and I - really good picture!

The hostesses - Allison, Miriam and Meredith (and me).

Allison, Amanda and I

Miriam and Allison.

The dessert table - looks so good!

More dessert.....they have G's on them for the future Mrs. Gwaltney:)

Labor Day Weekend

Lee and I were invited to the lake with friends over Labor Day weekend. We went that Sunday and watched the madness all around party cove:) I got a couple of pictures but not enough of all the crazy people out there!

Bobby, Lee and Tommy going for a float.

Allison and I held our own on the boat.

Lee and I - but the best is the women behind us floating with 'blow up dolls'! Look closely, back left:)