Friday night Lee and I just ordered a pizza and watched TV. I was so tired and it was the perfect night to just 'hang out'. Saturday, Lee had to do some stuff at the field for a couple of hours and then we ran some errands to get ready for our cook out on Sunday. We got several things at Whole Foods and they all turned out to be delicious! Saturday night we went to dinner at Joe T's with another couple and I had one of their 'special' margarita's... Turns out that Kristen can't handle Joe T's margarita's any longer!! After dinner we went to the
Martini Bar and I wasn't there 5 minutes before I had the hiccups. It wasn't even 9pm yet! That damn margarita ruined my whole night:) Lee and I ended up leaving and I think we were both asleep by 11pm. Seriously, I don't know how the margarita's are made at Joe T's but they are lethal!
Anyway, I woke up Sunday morning and still felt bad! It took a while for my hangover to pass but finally I felt better and was able to get everything ready for family to come over. We cooked out and really had a great time Sunday afternoon. We watched 'Wanted' after we ate and that is a really good movie! For dessert I made Banana cupcakes (the mix is from Williams-
Sonoma), they were fabulous! I don't think that any of us had had them before so it was a first but they were very good. I
recommend them! I posted some pictures below that I took of everyone yesterday.
Lee and I

The girls.....Terri and I

The boys....Lee, Jeffrey and Scooter

Jeffrey and Scooter

All of the cousins.
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