Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well, last weekend I was so excited because it was the first time in a while that Lee and I didn't have baseball games to go to! So we could do whatever we wanted......accordingly. Friday night we had dinner at PF Changs and it was delicious! I love that place. But I started feeling pretty bad Friday evening and then just got worse over the weekend. I went to the doctor Monday and found out I have strep throat........(I never would have guessed). I'm feeling better but I think I may have passed it on to Lee, of course. I do feel bad about that! He started school at UTA on Monday to finish up his degree!! It is just the third day but I think he is going to do fabulous. The Ft. Worth Cats are in the playoffs right now but down 2 - 0 to Grand Prairie. If they lose on Thursday then the season is over. We shall see.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Lee and I had our pictures taken back in February. It was in Ft. Worth at the Botanic Gardens. It turned out to be a beautiful day and we got some really good pictures. I put a couple of them below.
Lee has his hand resting on my butt in this shot......lovely.

The four pics below are funny and in order of Lee cracking me up!! The photographer had us standing facing each other and Lee was making faces and talking under his breath so it made me laugh out loud!

The laughter is starting....

And this is his 'I did it' face.

This is one of my favorites.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Weekend with Friends

I had a great weekend with some friends that I don't get to see very often. Amber and I met for HH on Friday (after 20 minutes trying to find a parking spot) and got to catch up on life!

After HH I headed to the baseball game and met up with Amanda and her husband. It was the hottest night yet and I thank them so much for sweating thru it! We had a great time though and I can't wait to hang out again!

The game went into 11 innings that night so I stood where it was a little cooler and waited for someone to score (the Cats ended up winning). Heather and Marlo were at the game that night so I got to hang out with them for a little while and catch up!

Overall, it was a really good weekend, just hot! Can't do anything but stay in the AC or go to the pool!!