Friday, September 12, 2008

Update - Hurricane IKE

Well, I had previously posted that my family was going to ride out the storm but after the Fire Chief and several police officers went thru my Grandmother's neighborhood last night to let them know that they were too low and the storm surge would be too much for their homes.........they are on the move. They were going to stay at my Aunt and Uncle's house because they are at a much higher elevation in Nederland but today they have found out that the storm surge will be too much for them to stay as well. So, I ask for prayers. My grandmother is 85 and doesn't travel that well. She has panic attacks and I fear what she will go thru if her home is destroyed due to the Hurricane. She is a trooper and will be able to rebuild if it comes to that, I just hope that God will give her peace during all of this. And my Dad too, as he is going to have to put his patience at a high level!! My mom is a caretaker and is ready to welcome everyone into her home, I hope she knows how much she is appreciated for that. I know there are many stories that will come out of this that will impact so many people! I pray for the safe arrival of all evacuees to wherever they may be headed, for the animals that are left behind, for the volunteers and their relentless efforts to help, for the families that open their homes up and for gas to be plentiful for those that are still driving! Be safe!

1 comment:

Amy Pawlak said...

I will certainly pray your family! Chris' family is all around the Houston area, but they feel far enough inland to stay put. :)