Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Moved...and Settling In!

Friday was the big 'moving' day and everything went pretty smoothly! I had movers take care of all of my stuff and Lee had a friend help with some of his furniture. Lee's mom, Barbara, helped with whatever she could and I was so thankful. She put things away and cleaned as things were being put up in the kitchen! We were exhausted, to say the least, Friday night. We slept on a pallet on the floor because our mattress wasn't being delivered until Saturday. And it came bright and early Saturday morning - 7:30am! We love our new mattress!! Great investment. Saturday we spent the day unpacking and trying to just get organized. A friend of Lee's had a Christmas Party Saturday night and we had a great time (I had way too much fun drinking red wine because I couldn't even move on Sunday!). So Sunday was shot as far as doing anything productive:) I had already taken Monday off so I did finish my unpacking then, once I felt human again! Today we are getting a hutch for the kitchen (for more storage space) and I think we are also going to get our Christmas tree tonight. I really haven't done any Christmas shopping yet, ugh! I'm going to try and get a couple of things today and finish it off on Saturday. Then Saturday night we are going to see Pat Green at Billy Bob' excited for that!

I hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends this Holiday! I'm so thankful to have all of you in my life!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Oh how I wish I could have drank red wine with you....we could have talked about Manessa. :) I had some wine myself, and felt it the next morning! Congrats on the new home and new mattress!