Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving in Ft. Worth

Meredith and I spent Thanksgiving with Lee's family this year. My parents went to vist my sister Gretchen in Alpharetta, GA and had a wonderful Thankgiving with her family! Mer and I went over to the Gwaltney's on Wednesday evening and had a fabulous time with all of the family!

Here is Barbara trying not to get her picture taken with all of the alcohol behind her:)

Mer and I getting in on a pose.

Here is a good picture of Lee and his Aunt 'Karen the Missionary'.

Scooter and Terri - Lee's brother and sister.

Thanksgiving morning, Lee, Bill (Lee's Dad), Meredith and I walked/ran the Turkey Trot in Ft. Worth. We had a great time and I hope that this is something we continue to do as a Thanksgiving Day tradition!
We were up late the night before so I took a couple of pictures of Lee and Meredith trying to get ready. Meredith is getting her number pinned on.
And here is Lee, at 7am with his sunglasses on!!
This is before the race started but I did get a smile out of him.

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