Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ft. Worth Stock Show

This year we decided to go to the Stock Show early so we could see all the animals. Last year we went to the Stock Show the last weekend it was open and there were maybe 5 cows and that was it. BUT this year, oh my goodness, there were cows, pigs, goats, rabbits, horses, and everything in between! It was awesome!

This is after we walked around for several hours....I was tired!

This guy was in the petting zoo and I'm not sure what it is but the poor thing had buck teeth and looked terrible! So, I had to get a picture.

Lee loves donkeys so this is for him.

Baby goats are so cute!

Ok, the pigs were hilarious! This one is gnawing on another pigs ear in this picture. I wish I could have gotten video of it, it was so funny!

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