Thursday, February 26, 2009


Mallory's soccer team won their first tournament of the season! Congratulations!

Mallory is in the back row, second from the left.

The Little Things....

Sometimes the 'little' things are the most appreciated. I like to read the Sunday paper and I don't have it delivered. So, Sunday mornings I usually get up, start the coffee and then run to the gas station and get a paper (the gas station is so close). It is just $2 for a Sunday paper these days, but the best thing is that Lee always makes sure that there is $2 on the bar for my Sunday paper! He doesn't read the paper, he just makes sure that I have my $2 to get it. I'm sure that everyone has a person like this in their lives and that that person does a 'little' thing that you most appreciate. I just wanted to point out mine and say how grateful I am for the little things.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentine's Dinner

I have a couple of pictures from dinner at Piranha with Marlo, Payte, Jessica and her boyfriend. We had a great time and had a drink after at Flying Saucer but Lee and I were so full and tired that we ended up going home early and vegging on the couch!

Marlo and I at dinner

Payte and Lee at dinner

It's a BOY

I just wanted to post a Congratulations to my friend Allison and her husband, Bobby, who found out last Monday that they are having a baby boy (in July I think). No name yet but I will keep you posted.


Julie and I had a great time in Vegas! It was a short trip but it was so good to see her and catch up! She brought Marcus with her (he is 5 months old) and he was so fun! He did great at the show on Thursday and Friday and I must admit it was really fun to be around a baby. I do think the 'baby clock' in me is ticking a little faster these days but I still have a few years before any of that starts and I'm enjoying the time that Lee and I get to spend together by ourselves. The show that Julie and I went to is called "PROJECT" and it was really awesome to see all of the trends for Fall and to watch her buy clothes and jewelry for her store (I have it listed under my links as Stella B's and she will have an e-commerce site available so you can order online). I got a couple of good pictures of Marcus and Julie. I hope I don't go so long without seeing Juls again! I miss having her around!

Julie and I at the airport before leaving Vegas. We were both a little tired and I think Marcus was too.

Julie and Marcus.

Just hanging out on the bed.

This is my favorite picture.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day

We don't have big plans for Valentine's Day this year. We are going to dinner with some friends and I am very excited about that! We are going to try out a sushi place in downtown Ft. Worth called Pirahna. I am a 'card' person so I have left a card for Lee the past two mornings. It is fun to wake up and get a surprise in the morning. I was watching the news this morning and saw that a dozen roses costs about $75 these days! I got a mani/pedi instead! My color this time was Rock-apulco Red! I love it! I am going to Vegas next week to hang out with my good friend Julie and go with her to market to pick out clothes for her boutique. I am getting very excited! I haven't seen Julie in a long time and this will be first time to market. If you know me, you know I love me some clothes!!

I asked my Mom what she and Dad were doing for Valentine's Day and she said "We are buying ourselves a new garage door". What fun! $700 later and that isn't really an expensive one! Lee and I are so looking forward to getting a house and settling in but we don't look forward to all the 'fixes' that come with it. Meredith is plugging along in school and working at the Hampton in Tyler. I must say that I think all of the family enjoys her 'discount' she gets for us when we stay at any Hampton or sister hotel! Thanks Mer! Lee is doing great in school as well and giving pitching lessons during the week and on the weekends. He did sign with the Cats for another season and I think he is looking forward to it. The home opener is May 14th and the schedule is at if anyone is interested.

I think that is all for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend/Valentine's Day!