Monday, April 27, 2009

Funny Post

I hope this makes a couple of people laugh (at my expense)!! Yesterday after cleaning the house and grocery shopping, Lee and I stayed in for the rest of the day. We were just watching TV on the couch and I was cold so I was snuggled up underneath a blanket. Lee thought it would be funny to take my 'baby' blanket and put it around my head. When he did he was laughing so hard that he could barely take a picture, but he got one. So here is our humor..........I look like ET!

Happy Birthday Allison!

I was at Allison's baby shower on Saturday and got a couple of pictures of her opening gifts. She got some great stuff and the shower was really fun! Today is her birthday and I hope it is fabulous!

This is a gift from her sweet husband!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A couple of things...

Lee and I went to see the movie EARTH last night. It is a Disney movie so no gore or was very well put together. We loved all of the scenes, animals, landscapes, music, etc. It is really a great movie and I highly recommend seeing it (rented or in the theater). We went at 9:30 last night so I didn't get to bed until after 11:30pm, which is way past my bedtime! I am really tired today (that is sad isn't it)!

I have another prayer request from anyone that takes the time to read this. My parents have some good friends (Peggy and Tom). Tom underwent foot surgery a couple of weeks ago and was finally feeling good on Tuesday. His spirits were up and he was using crutches to get around. Early Wednesday morning Tom got up to use the restroom and somehow slipped with his crutches on the tile floor. His good leg is now broken in 3 places. He is having surgery today, so please take a minute to say a prayer for he and his family. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle and I know 'this too shall pass'.....

Babies, Babies, Babies....

I have some really fun news!! Amber found out that she is having another little girl! Big sister Logan will be 2 in May. I'm not sure of Amber's due date yet.

Also, Jenn should be giving birth anyday now to her little girl Brooke! I can't wait to see her!

Megan just sent me a picture of her first ultrasound and she is having TWINS!! She is scheduled for delivery November 2nd or 3rd! I am so excited for her and Brian!

I have a baby shower to go to for Allison this weekend. She is due July 15th and is having a baby boy! I'm ecstatic for all of my friends and can't wait to welcome these babies into the world!

Love to all of you!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rangers Game

We went to the Rangers Game with some friends Saturday night and had a great time! The weather was terrible all day Saturday but turned out great for the game and there were a ton of people at the game! We had fabulous seats and were going to stay after for the Jack Ingram concert but, man, there were a ton of people at that too! So, we left and sat in traffic for an hour and then went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. Everything was great except for the traffic:)

The Cupcakery....

Thursday (last week) my boss took Miriam and I to lunch and then we went to The Cupcakery for dessert. OMG....this place is awesome. It is in Frisco and it isn't very big but they have the cutest cupcakes and they are so good! Perfect for a party or just dessert after a good meal! I have some pictures of a couple that I got. I'm a dork, I know, but they look so perfect. Almost too perfect to eat:)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Prayer Request

I have added a link to the right (Pray for Keith Beasley), please take a look at it and say a prayer for he and his family. He is a fellow Red Raider who has had a tragic accident and his wife is due with their first child in six weeks.

I know that God challenges us all and I hope that this is one that Keith and his family will be able to overcome and live better for it!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Earth - April 22, 2009

I think this movie looks so good! Wanted to share - it comes out on Earth Day - April 22, 2009.


We had a great weekend at my parents house for Easter. Dad cooked ribs, chicken, sausage, and steak and it was fabulous! My parents had worked in the yard on Friday and the patio looked wonderful with all of the new flowers, plants and the table and chairs. We sat out there for a while on Saturday afternoon. It was so nice outside. We stuffed ourselves with all of the good food and then played a good game of monopoly:) And who do you think won? Lee! Mom, Meredith and I couldn't hang in there for a win. We had great time though. And then the thunderstorms that came thru Sunday morning were great! I love when it rains like that! We headed back home about 11:30am and the storms had passed by then. We spent Sunday afternoon watching the Masters and napping. I also had to repot my petunia and hydrangea so hopefully they will continue to grow now that they are in bigger pots. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I got some great pictures over the weekend! Here is Meredith and I.

Dad and the girls.

Mom and the girls.

Lee and Meredith

Dad and I.

Lee and I.


Lee and I stopped to take pictures in a great bluebonnet patch on Saturday morning. We were on our way to Tyler to spend Easter with my family. I had been wanting to take some pictures with the bluebonnets....they just seem so pretty this year and there are so many of them! Anyway, I think we got some really good pictures!

Thank goodness Lee has long arms so he could get this picture of the two of us.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Little League

We watched Lee's nephews play baseball last night and it was so fun. The kids just love being out there and at this age (7 years) they are so fun to watch! Some of them know what is going on and some of them don't realize that the ball just went over their head:) I got a couple of pictures of Ben and Nate up to bat. Next time I will try to get more. This was a 7:30pm game and lasted a little over an hour and then Lee and I went to eat at Uncle Julio's. We were starving and it was so good!
This is Ben right after a great hit!
And this is Nate using great form!

Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive...oh, oh, oh....Stayin' Alive

Just letting everyone know that the plants/flowers/vegetables are still alive! I've got several blooms on my tomato plants and two teeny, tiny tomatos coming in. I can't wait! My petunia is doing really well but I think I am going to repot it in something bigger. And my hydrangea is doing well but I thought I had lost it after the last freeze because the leaves were just drooping and I couldn't get them to 'perk up'. This morning though, they were looking much better so I think it is going to make it!

Tomato plants


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And the winner is......... ALOT! Lee and I filled out NCAA brackets and, of course, I won!! My winnings got me the seventh season of The Golden Girls! Please don't be jealous of my DVD, I know how everyone just loves TGG. Seriously though, I really love that show. I think Meredith and I could sit and watch it all day!

A couple of other things.....

I am glad to hear that Robert Powell resigned from the Dallas PD last week. I hope more than anything he has learned something from this experience! Ryan Moats and his wife handled this situation better than I think most people would. I am humbled by their selflessness!

Monopoly......Lee and I played monopoly Friday night and he took all of my money! I was doing well until he put 4 houses on all of his properties!! Cheater.....:) I am a bad loser. Anyway, I had to sell my houses back to the bank and then mortgage my properties.....terrible! We played again Saturday night with some friends and Brad ended up winning. He put hotels on some of his properties and it cost something like $1400 if you landed on it! Ridiculous!

We are going to Tyler Saturday to spend Easter with my parents since Lee won't get down there again until after baseball season. I can't believe it is already Easter! Memorial Day will be here before we know it..........and pool weather!

One last thing, some country award show was on Sunday night and the very last award given out was for Entertainer of the Year. Matthew McConaughey gave out the award but first he told this story about wanting to thank George Strait because in 1987 he and his brother were at the Oil Palace in Tyler, TX and they were hitting on a couple of girls. The girls asked 'What do you guys do?' and they said (in unison) "We design custom cowboy boots for George Strait. He is going to wear them in his tour coming up, etc.". They told the girls that they had a pair in the trunk of their car if they wanted to check them out? The girls, of course, wanted to check them out and the guys got lucky that night! So, 22 years later, he thanked George Strait for that and the way he told the story was hilarious!! Even better, Carrie Underwood won the award and when she got on stage she was shaking and so happy but speachless and she said "I don't know what to say......Can I see those boots Matthew?"! It was really funny! I mean I'd like to see those boots too!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Seven Pounds

I watched this movie last night. I thought it was really good! It was very humbling and makes me feel like I need to be really nice to everyone today:) I like the idea of organ donation. I think that I would like to do that when I die, donate my organs and then be cremated. Knowing that I could help so many people and not just buried in the ground with my blanket! That brings up a thought though, who will get my blanket when I die? Yes, I still have a blanket that I sleep with and I'm not quite sure what I would do without it! Sorry to be talking about death, this movie just makes you think about it.

I also rented Slumdog Millionaire and will probably watch that today. I've heard great things about this movie so I'm excited to see it.

Girl's Night

For girls night we went to Patrizio's and sat on the patio. We had a wonderful time! The food, wine and conversation were fabulous! It was great to see and catch up with Amy, Ronna and Stephanie. I hope we can do it again soon! I also think we should follow up on our plans for a 'girls weekend'.........I think that would be so much fun!