Thursday, April 23, 2009

A couple of things...

Lee and I went to see the movie EARTH last night. It is a Disney movie so no gore or was very well put together. We loved all of the scenes, animals, landscapes, music, etc. It is really a great movie and I highly recommend seeing it (rented or in the theater). We went at 9:30 last night so I didn't get to bed until after 11:30pm, which is way past my bedtime! I am really tired today (that is sad isn't it)!

I have another prayer request from anyone that takes the time to read this. My parents have some good friends (Peggy and Tom). Tom underwent foot surgery a couple of weeks ago and was finally feeling good on Tuesday. His spirits were up and he was using crutches to get around. Early Wednesday morning Tom got up to use the restroom and somehow slipped with his crutches on the tile floor. His good leg is now broken in 3 places. He is having surgery today, so please take a minute to say a prayer for he and his family. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle and I know 'this too shall pass'.....

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