Thursday, April 2, 2009

Seven Pounds

I watched this movie last night. I thought it was really good! It was very humbling and makes me feel like I need to be really nice to everyone today:) I like the idea of organ donation. I think that I would like to do that when I die, donate my organs and then be cremated. Knowing that I could help so many people and not just buried in the ground with my blanket! That brings up a thought though, who will get my blanket when I die? Yes, I still have a blanket that I sleep with and I'm not quite sure what I would do without it! Sorry to be talking about death, this movie just makes you think about it.

I also rented Slumdog Millionaire and will probably watch that today. I've heard great things about this movie so I'm excited to see it.

1 comment:

Amy Pawlak said...

You could leave your blanket to Carley when you die...she will take great care of it! I am sure she will be carrying her blanket until she is 30 also!!!!!!!!!