Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Do you ever feel like you need a change? In any aspect of life, maybe physical, maybe with your job or maybe something material (like a new car). Anyway, I didn't need a new car but I needed a 'change'. I used to think that going to get my hair colored/cut meant that I was going to have a new appearance. Once I started working (got a real job) I realized that I probably didn't need to always change my hairstyle and have a new appearance. So for the last couple of years I've had the same haircolor and basically the same cut but I've been thinking that I needed to do something different:) Don't hold your breath for something drastic.......I just got bangs! But they are different and change my appearance just enough that I feel I have that little 'change' I was looking for. As well as bangs I decided to get fake nails. I haven't had fake nails in years but I was wanting a change from my normal short nails (although I will go back to those). I like my fake nails, they are just long enough and something different that I was looking for. I'm rambling but thought I would blog about my 'changes'. So here is to Bangs and Fake Nails.....and all of the other 'changes' that we are looking for.

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