Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall Weather

I love this Fall Weather today!!  Too bad it isn't going to last for long.  Just a little update about what has been going on in the Smith/Gwaltney household.  This picture below is from dinner with Lee's parents a couple of weeks ago.  I'm just now getting around to uploading my pictures. 

These next two pictures are before going to the Rangers game on Friday.  We took Lee's parents with us and had a great time.  We ate at On the Border before going to the game and it was so good!  How do you like Lee's hippie Grateful Dead shirt?  You definitley don't lose him in a crowd:)

Ok, so last weekend we went to Tyler to visit my parents.  Lee had a specific question to ask my Dad so they played golf on Saturday and Lee was able to ask him for permission to marry me and, of course, got his blessing.  Though, Lee started the conversation by saying "I'm sure you know what I'm going to talk to you about since the rest of your family can't keep a secret."  Ha, he's right!  Dad started laughing and that broke the ice for the conversation.  The picture below is funny because I know Lee has my ring hidden somewhere so at the most random times I'll stick my ring finger up and say 'Can I see my ring?' and I get a clear NO every time:)  So, Lee did the 'ring finger' with me in this picture.

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