Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Julie!

I hope you have a fabulous day!

Miss and love you!

Graduation Weekend

What a great (and long) weekend! We went to Tyler Friday after I got off of work and stayed with my parents. My Mom got Lee a cookie cake and decorated for him. Everything looked great! My Dad cooked steaks and we had a really great night.

The cookie cake, I forgot how good these are!

The graduate and the decorations.

We woke up early Saturday morning and got on the road around 8:30am. It takes about 3 hours from Tyler to get to Ruston, LA. Lee didn't want to wear his 'nice' clothes while driving so once we got to Ruston he was going to change. We stopped and had lunch and about 15 minutes before he needed to be at the school we realized that neither of us grabbed his clothes out of our room in Tyler. It is 12:15 and graduation is at 2pm, he is supposed to be at the school at 12:30pm. He is in shorts, a t-shirt and adidas slides...........we are watching everyone walk into the school and they are all dressed to the max! Lee has nothing else but his nice shoes, I mean nothing. So..........we go to WalMart (this is our only option in Ruston). Get a pair of pants and a button up, long sleeve shirt. The shirt ended up being a 3 quarter length shirt on Lee and while he was changing all I could do was laugh! I mean we will remember that 'disaster' for years to come. But it was fine and graduation was a success!

Before the graduates came out.

Lee saw us in this pic and is smiling.

Waiting to go on stage.

After graduation I got a couple of good pictures.

Once graduation was over, everyone headed to Shreveport and we ate at Ralph and Kackoo's (really great Cajun restaurant).

My Dad and I.

Kaity and Brandon

Isaac and Sara

We drove home after dinner because we wanted to have all day Sunday to relax. We got home around midnight and I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow:) Sunday morning we got up and went to pick up Lily. She was really happy to see us and be home. She had a great time playing with Tammy and all of her dogs! She was worn out!
Fabulous Weekend!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Our invitations came in yesterday and they look great! Everything is coming together and I am getting really excited!

PacMan's 30th Anniversary

I snagged the picture from Google but this might be my all time favorite game. I used to play it at my PaPa's store when I was little.
Here's to you Mrs. PacMan.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Less than 5 months to go?!

I can't believe it but we have less than 5 months until Lee and I get married! We booked the rehearsal dinner site over the weekend. For you locals, it is at Los Vaqueros Restaurant in the Stockyards. I have a picture below of the outdoor area where the rehearsal dinner will be.

We have ordered the bridesmaid's dresses and my dress should be here at the end of June or early July. I have ordered some decorations for the reception and our invitations should be here soon.....
Lee will graduate this weekend and then we focus on his part of the wedding....his suit or tux, the groomsmen's suits, his ring, the honeymoon, etc., there really is so much to do to plan a wedding!
I have had a lot of help and I'd like to take a moment to thank my Mom and Dad for the money that they are spending on Lee and I and all of the support they give us, my sister's for helping with projects, being bridesmaids and for their support, Barbara and Bill for the money they are spending as well as their support and for Miriam and Allison who keep me sane and listen to me! Thank you for being such good friends and thank you for the support that you give Lee and myself. Lee and I are in this together but we couldn't do it without any of you!

Friday, May 14, 2010

iPhone World

Lee and I have joined the iPhone world.....

Actually, I got my phone last weekend but Lee wasn't available for an upgrade yet. He will be on the 18th so we are going to get his phone next week. We love it though. We have downloaded a few Apps and have been playing games on the phone. And it takes really great pictures! I still have a lot to learn about it but so far it has been so much better than my last phone!


She is still a mess:)

Lee is Home!

Lee got home yesterday and this time he is here for good! He graduates May 22nd. He also got his college ring yesterday and it looks so nice! I have a picture of it below but it doesn't show all of the detail. He is not a 'ring wearer' but this ring looks awesome!

My First Tomato of the Season

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Meredith

I hope today is extra special! Love you so much!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Lee

Lee has left his 20's in the dust and joined me in the 30's!!

I wish you the best day ever. I can't wait to see you in 11 days!! I am so proud of you and I am so proud to have you as my best friend, my partner, my everything! I love you....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Celebrating our Birthdays

Yesterday morning Lee and I went to play golf (he plays, I ride in the cart) and then we met his parents and brother at Pappedeaux's for lunch. We got to the restaurant first and ordered Bloody Mary's and they were really good! We celebrated our birthday's this weekend since Lee will be in Louisiana this week. I had already bought his present when we were in Houston a couple of weekends ago, but he got some Rock & Republic jeans. He bought me my favorite perfume, FlowerBomb. We got to open presents from his parents and brother yesterday, we got a Westie Dog Statue for the garden (Lily loves this) and we got a birdhouse that has Texas Tech on the front (I'll post pictures of these later). Really awesome gifts, thank you!

We got some pictures celebrating with our Bloody Mary's!


Saturday morning we met Katy and Brandon for brunch at Ozona's. We had a really great time visiting and enjoying the fabulous food!

Great picture of Katy and Brandon.

Lee and I - we were stuffed at this point!

The four of us.

Horse Races

Last Thursday we went to Lone Star Park for a work 'shindig' and had a great time! We eventually figured out how the betting worked and even won money at the end of the night. I posted some pictures below of all the fun:)

Lee and Grazyna before the racing started.

Justine and Chris

Miriam, Chuck and Maura

Randy and Miriam (after several drinks:)

Grazyna ended the night winning big too!