Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Update

Sleepy Lee....

Lee and I went to Tyler Friday evening to visit my parents and then we had a wedding to go to in Carthage on Saturday. It was nice to get away and not have to do anything really. The wedding we went to was a friend of Lee's that he played baseball with at Louisiana Tech and also for a while after college. It was a very nice wedding.

We watched Texas Tech reem Kansas 63-21 on Saturday! College Gameday is going to be in Lubbock this weekend for the TTU-UT game! I can't wait for this game! Lee and I really wanted to go to the game but tickets are so expensive that we decided we would watch it on TV. That will be our Saturday night:) We are going apartment hunting on Saturday morning so hopefully we will get all of that done before the game starts.

I also wanted to say Happy Birthday to Amy! I hope you had a great weekend!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Japanese Palace

If you love sushi, then Japanese Palace is a great place to go in Ft. Worth! Lee and I ate there Saturday night for a birthday dinner and it was great! Here is our 'before dinner' picture:) What a great weekend! The weather was so nice, TTU beat A&M 43-25, I got a new coat for the winter (but it is supposed to be for Christmas so I made a deal with my Mom that I would wear it this week if it gets cold enough and then I have to give it to her so that she can put it up until Christmas.....I'm like a little kid, I know!!).

Friday, October 17, 2008

Stella B's Grand Opening

Julie opened her boutique, Stella B's, yesterday in Arvada, CO. I put a couple of pictures below of the store. It looks awesome! I'm so proud of you Julie, congratulations!

The Most Unexpected Surprise

Within a week I have been in contact with my best friend growing up, Brandy Arena, and one of my best, dearest friends from college, Allison Speck! I have been out of touch with Brandy for 12 or 13 years probably and I haven't talked to Allison in 7 years! It is the most welcome surprise for me to reestablish a friendship with these girls! Brandy is in Austin and I am so excited to catch up with her in the next couple of weeks. Allison is right here in the Dallas area and I ended up running into her at lunch today! It was one of those, is that her, it looks like her but what if it isn't.....type of things!! I went up to her anyway and what an awesome surprise to see her! I can't wait to catch up with her and find out how life is going and what she has been up to!

I was in Indianapolis a couple of weeks ago for training/testing to become certified as a Software Tester at the Foundation Level. I just got my test results back this week and I passed the exam so I am officially Certified! I don't think I have been that stressed about taking a test since college and I was probably more anxious to pass this test since I had coworkers that knew I was taking it and would give me a REALLY hard time if I failed!

The weather will be awesome this weekend, I hope everyone gets to enjoy it!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Lee surprised me with a trip to the Circus on Friday evening! I had a great time!! I felt like a kid again the whole time I was there!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What's Been Going On..

I got back from Indianapolis on Friday and Lee and I headed to the Fair! We parked the farthest you could away (of course) because everything else was full, but once we got in the gate we were having a blast. We ate fried Nutter Butters, fried Smores, corn dogs and some other stuff. We played games, rode the Ferris Wheel and then went to see all of the stinky animals (I loved it)!! After about 3.5 hours though my feet hurt and we were exhausted but it was all worth it!

Saturday we watched Texas Tech smash Kansas State 58-28!! Go Raiders!

I wanted to post some pictures of my neices playing soccer. They look like they could play professionally (well, I'm biased of course)!

Kendall is in the orange jersey.
Kendall is in the middle here.

Mallory is the one with the ball in this shot.

Mallory is 3rd from the right in this pic.

I also wanted to post some pictures of Logan Nicole! Amber and Bill are settling into Houston now and didn't have any damage from Hurricane Ike (thank goodness)!! I hope to see you soon Amber! Love and miss you guys!

This is my favorite picture! She is loving that water!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Here are a couple of pictures of Indianapolis. Excuse my I think the flash is not working!! It is really beautiful here. I am staying downtown and there is really alot to do and so easy to walk around. Tomorrow is my last day of training (I'm on overload right now)! The weather is fabulous now, the high is only in the lower 60's. This has been a really fun city to visit and I hope to come back some day!