Friday, October 17, 2008

The Most Unexpected Surprise

Within a week I have been in contact with my best friend growing up, Brandy Arena, and one of my best, dearest friends from college, Allison Speck! I have been out of touch with Brandy for 12 or 13 years probably and I haven't talked to Allison in 7 years! It is the most welcome surprise for me to reestablish a friendship with these girls! Brandy is in Austin and I am so excited to catch up with her in the next couple of weeks. Allison is right here in the Dallas area and I ended up running into her at lunch today! It was one of those, is that her, it looks like her but what if it isn't.....type of things!! I went up to her anyway and what an awesome surprise to see her! I can't wait to catch up with her and find out how life is going and what she has been up to!

I was in Indianapolis a couple of weeks ago for training/testing to become certified as a Software Tester at the Foundation Level. I just got my test results back this week and I passed the exam so I am officially Certified! I don't think I have been that stressed about taking a test since college and I was probably more anxious to pass this test since I had coworkers that knew I was taking it and would give me a REALLY hard time if I failed!

The weather will be awesome this weekend, I hope everyone gets to enjoy it!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Congrats on passing your test!!!!