Monday, January 19, 2009


This is something I have wanted to write for a while and for those of you who don't know, this is how Lee and I met.

I waited a long time, through many, many bad dates and single days, to find my best friend, fall in love and be the happiest I’ve ever been. I loved my single days and the girlfriends that I shared them with. I loved that I traveled and lived overseas while I was single. It was an experience I'll never forget and helped me in so many ways to grow up and grow into the person I am now. I was undecided about moving back to the Dallas area after I had been gone for so long but I did have a job here and that was most important at the time:) Mom flew out to Florida and helped me pack my car up (we couldn't see out the back) and we headed back to Texas. I only had about 5 days off before my job in Frisco started. I didn't have a place to live yet so my dear friend Amy (and her husband Chris) let me be their roommie for a month until I moved into my apartment. I was trying to figure out my job and get thru the challenging stage of being new at the office but also being new back in Dallas. I didn't have that many friends here but did manage to get out and meet some people. I had a great summer (2006) with Amanda, Tina, Sally and several other single girls that helped me find my way back into feeling as if I belonged here. Then one night in August I was at a bar (Pour House to be exact) and I saw my friend Sally talking to this really tall, gorgeous guy and I immediately made my way over there and introduced myself!! His name was Lee and I thought he was awesome....but he was playing baseball in Arizona. I didn't want to set myself up for a whole lot of heartache so we talked every once in a while but that was it. Then December came and I decided to invite him to a Christmas party (a little out of the blue) and he happened to be in Vegas at the time so, of course, he couldn't make the party but from then on we started talking more and more. I also found out that he was staying in Ft. Worth to play baseball. Well, that was two years ago and we now live together and share the best relationship that two people could. We are in love, we argue, we make up, we kiss, we hold hands, we laugh until we cry and we just cry, we are best friends! I want to say that he was worth waiting for and I wouldn't do anything differently. He is wonderful and he makes me feel like Cinderella!


Amy Pawlak said...

Awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you were my partner in crime during our last months as single ladies!! What fun we had! So glad you have found Lee and someone that makes you happy! Love you!

Anonymous said...

You are such an amazing person and we (Aledo crew) are so lucky to have you in our lives now! You have become one of my greatest friends and I can't wait to make more memories with you and Lee!