Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Little Things....

Sometimes the 'little' things are the most appreciated. I like to read the Sunday paper and I don't have it delivered. So, Sunday mornings I usually get up, start the coffee and then run to the gas station and get a paper (the gas station is so close). It is just $2 for a Sunday paper these days, but the best thing is that Lee always makes sure that there is $2 on the bar for my Sunday paper! He doesn't read the paper, he just makes sure that I have my $2 to get it. I'm sure that everyone has a person like this in their lives and that that person does a 'little' thing that you most appreciate. I just wanted to point out mine and say how grateful I am for the little things.


Anonymous said...

Aw how cute is that!!!

Amy Pawlak said...

Very sweet!!! It's the little things that last the longest! ;)