Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And the winner is.........

UNC.........by ALOT! Lee and I filled out NCAA brackets and, of course, I won!! My winnings got me the seventh season of The Golden Girls! Please don't be jealous of my DVD, I know how everyone just loves TGG. Seriously though, I really love that show. I think Meredith and I could sit and watch it all day!

A couple of other things.....

I am glad to hear that Robert Powell resigned from the Dallas PD last week. I hope more than anything he has learned something from this experience! Ryan Moats and his wife handled this situation better than I think most people would. I am humbled by their selflessness!

Monopoly......Lee and I played monopoly Friday night and he took all of my money! I was doing well until he put 4 houses on all of his properties!! Cheater.....:) I am a bad loser. Anyway, I had to sell my houses back to the bank and then mortgage my properties.....terrible! We played again Saturday night with some friends and Brad ended up winning. He put hotels on some of his properties and it cost something like $1400 if you landed on it! Ridiculous!

We are going to Tyler Saturday to spend Easter with my parents since Lee won't get down there again until after baseball season. I can't believe it is already Easter! Memorial Day will be here before we know it..........and pool weather!

One last thing, some country award show was on Sunday night and the very last award given out was for Entertainer of the Year. Matthew McConaughey gave out the award but first he told this story about wanting to thank George Strait because in 1987 he and his brother were at the Oil Palace in Tyler, TX and they were hitting on a couple of girls. The girls asked 'What do you guys do?' and they said (in unison) "We design custom cowboy boots for George Strait. He is going to wear them in his tour coming up, etc.". They told the girls that they had a pair in the trunk of their car if they wanted to check them out? The girls, of course, wanted to check them out and the guys got lucky that night! So, 22 years later, he thanked George Strait for that and the way he told the story was hilarious!! Even better, Carrie Underwood won the award and when she got on stage she was shaking and so happy but speachless and she said "I don't know what to say......Can I see those boots Matthew?"! It was really funny! I mean I'd like to see those boots too!


Stephanie said...

Hello.....I'll be checkin' out those boots too!

Amy Pawlak said...

I would give a kidney to see those boots... maybe even both of them!!!!!! I saw that and laughed so hard. I love Matthew!!!!! Take me now!!! O.k., I will stop... :)