Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a great weekend at my parents house for Easter. Dad cooked ribs, chicken, sausage, and steak and it was fabulous! My parents had worked in the yard on Friday and the patio looked wonderful with all of the new flowers, plants and the table and chairs. We sat out there for a while on Saturday afternoon. It was so nice outside. We stuffed ourselves with all of the good food and then played a good game of monopoly:) And who do you think won? Lee! Mom, Meredith and I couldn't hang in there for a win. We had great time though. And then the thunderstorms that came thru Sunday morning were great! I love when it rains like that! We headed back home about 11:30am and the storms had passed by then. We spent Sunday afternoon watching the Masters and napping. I also had to repot my petunia and hydrangea so hopefully they will continue to grow now that they are in bigger pots. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I got some great pictures over the weekend! Here is Meredith and I.

Dad and the girls.

Mom and the girls.

Lee and Meredith

Dad and I.

Lee and I.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Great pictures! I like the bluebonnet ones too. Sounds like you guys had a great Easter.......with DELICIOUS food! YUM!