Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another Spectacular Year

Well, May 5th marked another year for me and a really great one at that! I am a year older (31) but I don't feel older physically. The metabolism I used to have is not there anymore, that is probably the biggest change I have noticed. So, I continue to workout and try (keyword) to eat healthier. This year I do hope to challenge myself to eat even healthier! This past year brought another baseball season that started in San Antonio and ended in Ft. Worth. Because of Lee being in San Antonio I was able to travel there and visit my Aunt Judy and cousin Terri who I do not get to see often enough. June brought us back to Ft. Worth and July 4th my parents were here to watch the Cats and see one of the best fireworks displays ever!! Drew Lauren was born in July (daughter of Stephanie and Gary). During the All Star break Lee, myself and a couple of friends rented a cabin at Possum Kingdom Lake. That was a fun trip with a lot of soaking in the sun! In August my good friend Amber and her husband moved from Ft. Worth to Houston for his job. I was terribly sad to see them go but they are doing so well and expecting their second little girl! Then the end of baseball season came and Lee started college classes at UTA. September started with Hurricane IKE threatening to do alot of damage to Southeast Texas but in the end my family just had mild damage and we were all very grateful. I traveled to Indianapolis in September for QA/Testing training and got certified! That was awesome! Julie's son Marcus was born on September 20th (also her anniversary). The Fall brought us a great Texas Tech football team to watch. It was unbelievable how great the Tech fans were sleeping outside the stadium to watch Tech beat UT! What a game and congratulations to Michael Crabtree who was drafted by the 49ers with the 10th overall pick in the 2009 NFL Draft. Lee and I headed to the Texas State Fair and ate everything in sight and walked until our feet were about to fall off! In October I caught up with an old college friend and have been able to stay in touch with her ever since! It really is so good to have Allison back in my life! Julie opened her boutique, Stella B's, and she is doing great (of course, this is her talent). Lee surprised me with a trip to the Circus and I felt like a kid again, I love it! Thanksgiving was spent with Lee's family in Aledo. My sister also spent Thanksgiving with us and we ran in the Turkey Trot and had a wonderful meal! Next came mine and Lee's big step....moving in together. We found a 'half way' point and moved into an apartment complex close to 183 and 360. It is farther for me to work but it is worth the drive! It has been 6 months now and I wouldn't want to be doing things any other way! After moving in things were very hectic, Lee finished finals, we had Christmas (early) with his immediate family and then actually spent Christmas with my family in Tyler. We did another Christmas with his Mom's side of the family in Lindale and then we headed home for some much needed rest. New Years Eve was spent watching TV with Meredith and Lee. My parents came up for their anniversary in January and we ate a steakhouse in the Stockyards. I think that they really enjoyed themselves and I'm honored to help them celebrate 33 years! In February I flew to Vegas and went to market with Julie to buy for her new store, Stella B's. She had her son Marcus with her so I had a fabulous time with the two of them! Amy, Ronna, Stephanie and I were able to get together in April for a girls night at Patrizio's and I think it might have been our best one yet. It was great food and even better conversation! And that brings me to May to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

Here is to another wonderful year with surprises, challenges, laughter, friends having precious babies, keeping in touch with friends, crying, good wine, making my parents proud, making myself proud, keeping my plants alive, holding hands with Lee, good movies, and I'm sure a new pair of shoes (or two).........

Thank you to all of my friends and family and especially Lee, who make me smile everyday and make my day worthwhile. I love you all!

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