Monday, May 4, 2009

The World of Wii

We have become a part of the Wii World! For our birthdays Lee and I got a Wii and several games. We hooked it up yesterday and started playing....bowling, tennis, baseball, Mario Kart and Monopoly. Once we got the hang of it, it was really fun! I should say once I got the hang of it because Lee has played several times. Tennis was probably the most frustrating because everytime I swung it was too early and my character would spin all the way around and then land on her butt! Obviously I was swinging a little too hard:) I also did a little bit of Wii Fit yesterday and it gave me my BMI and my Wii Age. I'll be keeping both of those to myself but I will say that my BMI was normal but my Wii Age was a bit high. I like the Wii Fit though. I feel like it makes you do the poses correctly and stretches you out. There are several more games that we want to try out.

Besides entering the Wii World we are also entering the World of Flat Screen TV's!! So exciting!! We bought a 46" Sony that is being delivered tomorrow. I'm overly excited about getting home to watch TV on it and play games!! Along with the TV came a Playstation 3/Blu Ray player so we have that to look forward to as well! I mean, this is a lot of digital entertainment for the two of us in a short period of time!! But don't worry, we will be able to handle it.

That is about it. Lee has started practice for the Cats and they have some exhibition games this week but he is still in school and finals don't start until Saturday May 9th. Opening Day is May 14th and he will be pitching then (his last final is the night before). I am going to training for a Testing/QA software in Capitola, CA May 17th thru the 21st. We are also celebrating our birthdays over the next 2 days! And we will be celebrating Meredith's 21st Birthday when she is in town next weekend! She is sick right now so let's all tell God that she needs to get better for finals and her birthday:)

We have a busy month and probably a busy summer coming up but I look forward to it all!

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