Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Opening Day

Miriam and Meredith went to Opening Day (Thursday, May 14th) with me to watch Lee pitch. We had a great night and Lee did awesome! They had great fireworks after the game and then we went to Fox and the Hound to have drinks. It is really wierd to see Meredith drink (legally) with all of us! And thank you Miriam for everything you did that night as well as staying out so late! Meredith stayed the weekend with us and we had a really good time. Saturday night we skipped the Cats game and went to see Angels and Demons. I thought it was great! Meredith said she liked The Davinci Code better. I left Sunday for California for 3 days of training. (I'm sitting in the hotel room typing) So far training is going well but I do have alot to learn! I'm excited for the challenge though!
Meredith and I at the game.

Lee and I after the game (my pretty pink dress that I got from Julie's store, www.shopstellas.com)

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