Monday, November 30, 2009


Thanksgiving morning Lee and I ran the Turkey Trot in Ft. Worth. We had a really great time but if you are trying to actually is kinda hard with the walkers, strollers and dogs. The 5K run has more of the strollers and dogs then the 10K so I think I'll run that one next year:) Either way, we had a great time and Lee's Dad came out for some exercise and walked the 5K. After that we headed to Tyler for some great food and great company! Friday we got out and did some shopping but we didn't go early, we just took our time. We took Lily to Petsmart and she LOVES being in the cart going down the toy aisle! She is like a little kid.

Here she is sniffing out some of the toys.

I love this picture....she is licking her lips saying "I can't wait to get my mouth on some of these toys!"

We bought her these reindeer ears....yes, they light up and I will get video of that:)

We helped my Mom get her Christmas Tree up and I put Lily in the middle to show how small she is or how big Mom's tree is.

We took some pics before going to see The Blind Side Friday evening. Great movie!

Mer and I.

Saturday, on the way home, we stopped at a Christmas Tree farm and picked out our Tree. Here are the guys getting it ready for us.

Hope everyone had a great Holiday!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cowboys Stadium

I got a really awesome gift from a client of mine. He has season tickets to the Cowboys games and sent me his 4 tickets for Sunday's game against Washington!! Lee, myself and his parents went to the game and had a fabulous time! We were in traffic forever on the way there and then getting into the stadium was a bit of a cluster but once we were in, all the bad stuff was worth it! That stadium is awesome!

These are just a couple of pictures of Lee and I with Lily before the game.

Outside the stadium.

The HUGE screen.

Blurry but proves we were there:)

So many people.

Bathroom Trouble.....Again

So, this was a really busy weekend for Lee and I. Lee was in a wedding on Saturday and we started Friday night with the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. We left Lily at home in the bathroom Friday night and she was fine. I left her there again on Saturday while we were at the wedding but this time she had other plans. Below is what we found when we got home. It seems that she is challanging us to do a better job of 'doggie proofing' the bathroom:) The basket with magazines and toilet paper was on the very top of the toilet so some how she got on the toilet and knocked that off and then had fun for hours!

Friday, November 20, 2009

More Pictures

I went to Tyler last weekend with Lee's Mom. She has family in Tyler also and we have made it a tradition to go every year during Mistletoe and Magic. Basically we just go shopping until we drop:) I took Lily with me so I have some pics of her below.

I don't know why but Meredith has the 'chicken hat' that must be for her cat but we put it on Lily. She was not happy with it but I had to get a picture!

Just cuteness.

She likes to lay on the couch with us but this day she was hiding behind the blanket. Whatever she can squeeze into or under......

Ok, we bought these toys for her in Tyler so she has had them less than a week. The duck used to have arms and legs but those are all gone now and the frog has one eye.........we call it teething:)

She likes to sleep on her back with arms and legs in the air. I snapped this last night when she woke up. She is so sweet right when she wakes up from a nap or first thing in the morning!

This is from last night too. I'm laughing as I write this. I don't know why but she will show her teeth when we put her in the crate. She isn't mad but I don't know why she does it. If you click on the picture you will see closer that she is still missing some teeth. Lee and I were laughing so hard last night!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pictures of Lily

Just a few pictures from the last couple of weeks. Lily loves to lay in your lap if she is tired or if she is in a good mood and being nice:) So the first shot is just Lily and I hanging out.

Lily can look so sad when we put her in her crate - like she is in jail.

So she starts licking the bars like she can get out:)

This was so cute. Lily was on our bed the other morning and she is so small in comparison to our bed so I took a couple of pictures. She looks very cozy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy 13 Mallory!

I am late posting this.....Mallory's birthday was on the 3rd but I got these pictures from my sister today. Mallory is my niece and she turned the big 13 on Tuesday! Every time I talk to her I ask her "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" She answers NO each time but one day she will say yes, and then I will tell her everything she needs to know about boys:) She will be driving in 3 years, this really dates me. I was 18 when she was born! Gracious.

Happy Birthday Mallory! Love you!

Birthday Girl

Kendall and Mallory

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Seseme Street Turns 40!

Happy Birthday to Seseme Street! I loved watching this show as a kid. I can't believe it has been on for 40 years!

Twins for Megan and Brian

Congratulations to Megan and Brian!! Their twins arrived on November 2, 2009. Cole Everette Bickel was born at 12:20am, 19.5" long and 6lb 7.2oz. Cooper Taft Bickel was born at 12:22am 20.5" long and 7.05lbs. I adore these little boys! They are precious. Please say a prayer for Megan as she has been in the hospital bed since she gave birth. Her blood pressure has been high and she has not been able to see Cooper because he is in NICU. Her Mom is there with her and they are supposed to be released from the hospital tomorrow. Cooper will not be able to go home with them yet. He is recieving oxygen and on medication so hopefully he will get to go home soon after. I love you Megan and am praying for a quick recovery!

Cole Everette

Cooper and Cole

Monday, November 2, 2009


Here are pictures from Halloween night and our pumkin carving contest. I can't believe it but I actually won the contest with my witch!

Here is a picture of everyone's pumpkins lined up.

This is my witch.

This is Lee's scary house.

Meredith's monster.

This was Lee's 'practice' pumpkin on Friday night.

Scooter's scary pumpkin.

The glowsticks came from my Mom. I don't think any of us had worn glowsticks since we were little so we brought them out and I think we all had one on at some point in the night.

Lily had fun too.

I got a picture of Lee, busy carving his pumpkin.

So we have been picking up pumpkins 'here and there' and practically ended up with a Pumpkin Patch at our house.

Lee, Dan and Kelly

Let me explain: My mom also sent the 'scary teeth' so we put them in and wanted to look like we were going to eat Lily but I don't look scary at all:) Lee did a good job though.

Goofy, still not scary.

Clark Gardens

We also went to Mineral Wells and looked at Clark Gardens. It is beautiful but a good ways away.