Friday, November 20, 2009

More Pictures

I went to Tyler last weekend with Lee's Mom. She has family in Tyler also and we have made it a tradition to go every year during Mistletoe and Magic. Basically we just go shopping until we drop:) I took Lily with me so I have some pics of her below.

I don't know why but Meredith has the 'chicken hat' that must be for her cat but we put it on Lily. She was not happy with it but I had to get a picture!

Just cuteness.

She likes to lay on the couch with us but this day she was hiding behind the blanket. Whatever she can squeeze into or under......

Ok, we bought these toys for her in Tyler so she has had them less than a week. The duck used to have arms and legs but those are all gone now and the frog has one eye.........we call it teething:)

She likes to sleep on her back with arms and legs in the air. I snapped this last night when she woke up. She is so sweet right when she wakes up from a nap or first thing in the morning!

This is from last night too. I'm laughing as I write this. I don't know why but she will show her teeth when we put her in the crate. She isn't mad but I don't know why she does it. If you click on the picture you will see closer that she is still missing some teeth. Lee and I were laughing so hard last night!

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