Friday, January 22, 2010

Devastation during my run last night

Last night was supposed to be an easy 6 mile run (with some incredibly hard hills, thanks coach) and it was perfect weather! We were also on a new route in Lewisville, I was loving it. About 2.5 miles into our run we had just made a turnaround at a light and two motorcycles (crotch rockets) came zooming by. There were 2 runners way ahead of us, two runners a little ahead of us and then myself and two others were in the back. At this turnaround we are starting to go downhill and like I said these bikes come speeding by. The runners I was with even made comments about how fast they were going and how scary it would be if something happened. I really was loving going down this hill so I wasn't paying much attention. When we got to the bottom of the hill there was another light so we had to wait to cross the street. By that time the accident had already happened. We couldn't tell right away what the commotion was ahead but when the light turned green we started running and noticed our runners in front had stopped at the sight of the accident. An SUV trying to turn left out of a residential street pulled out in front of the bikes. One of the bikes hit the driver's side door of the SUV so hard that the door was smashed in. The bike was crushed. I can't explain what I saw, I have chills writing this. There were two passengers on each bike, a male and a female. The bike that was hit, the male didn't make it and the female was in terrible shape. She had two broken legs. They took them both to Parkland (from Lewisville) where they have a phenomenal Trauma center. The male on the other bike was the brother of the male that was hit. Again, it was a scene I hope I never have to see again. These were young kids, who I'm sure felt indispensable, and now January 21st will be a day they never forget. I pray for the families that received phone calls about their loved ones being in this accident. I don't know these people but they will need some prayers so if you have a minute, please say a prayer for them. And make sure today, that you are grateful for everything you have.

Update on this story - click here to read about it.

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