Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to Normal

Lee and I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's but it seems like it went by so fast and we were busy the whole time! We got to see so many friends and family that it made the Holidays really special. I posted some pics below of the last week. Hope everyone had a great New Year's and don't forget to stick to those New Year's resolutions!

Dinner at the Porch with friends.

The guys.

I was trying to get a picture of Lee and I before we went to Bass Hall to see Robert Earl Keen. It didn't come out that good but I like it:)

Here is Lee before the concert.......he may not look it but he was very excited!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Ugh, I wanted to go see REK too, but we had a wedding rehearsal. Hope you guys had fun!