Tuesday, June 29, 2010

World Cup

Bummer that the US Team lost their game against Ghana on Saturday. I think they had a great run during this World Cup and I hope 4 years from now in Brazil that the US Team will do even better.


Over the weekend I got a call from LuLu's Bridal letting me know that my wedding dress was in! Woohoo! I have to make an appointment with the alteration lady so I haven't seen it yet but I can't wait to try it on and see what it looks like 'brand new'! We also purchased Lee's wedding ring on Sunday. He chose Tungston medal and it is really beautiful! I posted a picture below.

Lee's nephews had a baseball tournament this weekend in Aledo. We went to two games on Sunday and they won one and lost one. I got some really great pictures of the boys and Lee that I am posting.

Ben, Lee and Nate

Nate, Eric, Lee and Ben

We also celebrated Aunt Karen's Birthday on Saturday and I got a couple of good pictures from that.
Barbara, Lilly and Karen

Lee's sister, Terri and brother, Scooter.

Karen (drinking her birthday wine) and Kathy

Sisters, Barbara and Karen

Friday, June 25, 2010

Saturday, 1:30pm - USA vs Ghana

This video is the World's reaction to the goal Landon Donavon scored against Algeria. I can't wait for the game against Ghana this weekend!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

USA 1 - Algeria 0

What a game!

Pre-Marital Counseling - Part 2

Topic - Communication

Last night was really awesome! The speakers for Communication made it awesome, they are a married couple (14 years) and just did a fabulous job of relaying conflict and resolution and everything in between. The goal of communication should be 'mutual understanding', it's just how you go about getting the other person to understand. I can use the information from last night throughout all of my relationships (friends, family, coworkers, etc.). We talked about 4 destructive patterns of communication:

Withdrawing and Avoiding - doing your best to not have the conversation at all or trying to get out of the conversation you are already in.

Escalating - responding negatively towards each other, yelling, bringing up the past, trying to 'one up' each other.

Negative Interpretation - Interpreting something negatively when it really wasn't meant that way at all. Usually something you are insecure about.

Invalidation - subtle put downs of what the other person has said.

Lee and I can see that we have participated in these patterns and have work to do. But we are willing to put forth that effort for a good foundation to grow and pass on.

I am not one to remember or quote scriptures, but I really like the following two.

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19

So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Matthew 19:6

Next week is the Role of Husbands and Wives...until then.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Call Me Crazy

But I love this song......I dance every time I hear it!!

4 Months and Counting.....

Exactly 122 days from today I'll be surrounded by my family and friends, getting ready for the best day I've shared with Lee yet! We have picked out what he and his groomsmen will wear for the wedding. They didn't have a good color match to the bridesmaid's dresses so we went with black/silver/grey. Lee's tux is black pinstripe with grey/silver vest and tie. The groomsmen's tuxes are all black. I think they are all going to look spectacular!

We still need to get our cupcakes/cake, whatever we decide to do and look at wedding rings for Lee. My Aunt is in the process of addressing our invitations (she is a caligrapher) and we have even gotten a couple of gifts shipped to our apartment! Let me just say, that is one of my favorite parts of all of this!

Miriam has planned my Bachelorette Weekend and I am really looking forward to my fabulous sisters and friends that will be there to celebrate with me!

Last night was our first pre-marital counseling class and Lee and I both think it is going to be pretty intense but very worthwhile. There are like 200 or more people in the class. You are assigned to a certain table with 2 or 3 other couples as well as team leaders. The team leaders are couples that have been married and are just there to guide you and help with any questions, etc. Last nights topic was the 'biblical meaning of marriage' and it was great to listen to the speaker and what he had to say. We talk amongst ourselves at our table and we did a 'Newlyweds Game' which consisted of girls getting this question "He spares no expense when it comes to " " and he is really a cheapskate when it comes to " ". We had to fill in the answers and the guys had to guess. I put Golf for the first one and clothes for the second question. Lee guessed 'clothes' for the first one that he spares no expense for! Ha! But when I said Golf he agreed:) His question for me was: Her favorite nickname for me is " ". Well, I call him Wee sometimes and that is what he wrote and what I guessed. Really great to get all of that out in the open....geez. Anyway, after we had our table discussion the speaker asked if there were any really funny nicknames and one person had 'Snot Face', someone had 'Sweet Muffin Poodle' (gag) but those two were the funniest. Next weeks topic is Communication. I'll report after class.

Monday, June 14, 2010


We had a really great weekend, low key and quiet:)

We went to the Cats game Friday night. It was Alumni night so Lee was asked to come to the game and he went out of the field pregame to be recognized. It was definitely weird to have him next to me in the stands instead of out on the field pitching. We had a great time and after the sun went down it was a little more enjoyable. The weather so far this summer 'sucks', I mean it is HOT! Saturday we watched the US and England play and that was a really great game! I'm loving the World Cup so far and looking forward to listening to the next game Friday morning. Go Team USA! We also rented some movies, It's Complicated and Extraordinary Measures. Both movies were fantastic! That doesn't happen often, usually one of the movies is ok or just bad. If you haven't seen either of the movies, I recommend them! We ended the weekend by watching Season 3 of True Blood and it was as good as you could have imagined! I can't wait until next Sunday!

Tomorrow Lee and I have our first session of Pre-Marital counseling. We signed up for an 8 week program, it is every Tuesday night from 6:30 to 8:30pm. I'll let you know how it goes.

Job Interview

Lee has a job interview today at 11:45am! He is going to do fabulous!

Lots of luck sweetheart! I love you so much!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

PAC-10 Bound?!

I'm having a hard time with this but it sounds like the Big 12 is going away!! Whaaaaaa!

Colorado has announced that it is going to the PAC-10. Texas Tech hasn't said anything yet so I guess we just wait and see what happens. I think it could be interesting having to play the teams that are already in the PAC-10 but we would get creamed!!

I'll just say that change is usually good and maybe this will give TTU the ability to recruit more from the west.

I still don't like Tommy Tuberville...............

I like Mike Leach.

Road Rage

So, I'm driving home from work yesterday on George Bush. It is 5:30pm and traffic is horrible. I'm in the left hand lane and I'm behind 10 cars going 75 (approximately) and a truck is trying to get around me but he can't, there is nowhere to go. So, instead he sticks his arm out of the window and proceeds to give me the finger for a good 30 seconds to a minute. And he isn't just flipping me off but he is waving his arm around to make sure that everyone sees what he thinks of me.

I drive everyday (twice a day) on several highways and most drivers suck. But this guy stands out because he was first class white trash and from the way his truck is so poorly taken care of I'm positive there is no insurance involved.

So, NO, I'm not going to move over for this guy to just get in front of me but behind the other 10 cars in front of me! After a not so great day, he didn't make it better but he did make me realize that I am way better off than he is!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lily's New Haircut

We got Lily groomed for the first time. She did great!

She is chewing on the bandana the groomer put on her....she isn't much into bandana's.

She is trying to get the bandana off in this picture.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Weekend

We had a really fun Memorial Day Weekend! Lee started it off by going to the Colonial Golf Tournament Thursday and Friday. Saturday I cleaned the apartment, it needed it really bad. We went to Lake Lewisville on Sunday with our friends and had a really awesome time! Monday we went to Lee's parents house for lunch/dinner and it was wonderful! We were absolutely stuffed last night!

Lee and I on the boat.

Lee and Tommy posing.

I took this picture so you could see the 'stripper pole' on the back of this boat. It has a disco ball at the top of it. Surprisingly, I only saw one girl dance on the pole.

Allison and I getting a picture in.

Lily's Favorite New Toy

Is just a baseball, but she loves it and will tear it apart.....of course.