Wednesday, June 16, 2010

4 Months and Counting.....

Exactly 122 days from today I'll be surrounded by my family and friends, getting ready for the best day I've shared with Lee yet! We have picked out what he and his groomsmen will wear for the wedding. They didn't have a good color match to the bridesmaid's dresses so we went with black/silver/grey. Lee's tux is black pinstripe with grey/silver vest and tie. The groomsmen's tuxes are all black. I think they are all going to look spectacular!

We still need to get our cupcakes/cake, whatever we decide to do and look at wedding rings for Lee. My Aunt is in the process of addressing our invitations (she is a caligrapher) and we have even gotten a couple of gifts shipped to our apartment! Let me just say, that is one of my favorite parts of all of this!

Miriam has planned my Bachelorette Weekend and I am really looking forward to my fabulous sisters and friends that will be there to celebrate with me!

Last night was our first pre-marital counseling class and Lee and I both think it is going to be pretty intense but very worthwhile. There are like 200 or more people in the class. You are assigned to a certain table with 2 or 3 other couples as well as team leaders. The team leaders are couples that have been married and are just there to guide you and help with any questions, etc. Last nights topic was the 'biblical meaning of marriage' and it was great to listen to the speaker and what he had to say. We talk amongst ourselves at our table and we did a 'Newlyweds Game' which consisted of girls getting this question "He spares no expense when it comes to " " and he is really a cheapskate when it comes to " ". We had to fill in the answers and the guys had to guess. I put Golf for the first one and clothes for the second question. Lee guessed 'clothes' for the first one that he spares no expense for! Ha! But when I said Golf he agreed:) His question for me was: Her favorite nickname for me is " ". Well, I call him Wee sometimes and that is what he wrote and what I guessed. Really great to get all of that out in the open....geez. Anyway, after we had our table discussion the speaker asked if there were any really funny nicknames and one person had 'Snot Face', someone had 'Sweet Muffin Poodle' (gag) but those two were the funniest. Next weeks topic is Communication. I'll report after class.

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