Monday, June 14, 2010


We had a really great weekend, low key and quiet:)

We went to the Cats game Friday night. It was Alumni night so Lee was asked to come to the game and he went out of the field pregame to be recognized. It was definitely weird to have him next to me in the stands instead of out on the field pitching. We had a great time and after the sun went down it was a little more enjoyable. The weather so far this summer 'sucks', I mean it is HOT! Saturday we watched the US and England play and that was a really great game! I'm loving the World Cup so far and looking forward to listening to the next game Friday morning. Go Team USA! We also rented some movies, It's Complicated and Extraordinary Measures. Both movies were fantastic! That doesn't happen often, usually one of the movies is ok or just bad. If you haven't seen either of the movies, I recommend them! We ended the weekend by watching Season 3 of True Blood and it was as good as you could have imagined! I can't wait until next Sunday!

Tomorrow Lee and I have our first session of Pre-Marital counseling. We signed up for an 8 week program, it is every Tuesday night from 6:30 to 8:30pm. I'll let you know how it goes.

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