Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Over the weekend I got a call from LuLu's Bridal letting me know that my wedding dress was in! Woohoo! I have to make an appointment with the alteration lady so I haven't seen it yet but I can't wait to try it on and see what it looks like 'brand new'! We also purchased Lee's wedding ring on Sunday. He chose Tungston medal and it is really beautiful! I posted a picture below.

Lee's nephews had a baseball tournament this weekend in Aledo. We went to two games on Sunday and they won one and lost one. I got some really great pictures of the boys and Lee that I am posting.

Ben, Lee and Nate

Nate, Eric, Lee and Ben

We also celebrated Aunt Karen's Birthday on Saturday and I got a couple of good pictures from that.
Barbara, Lilly and Karen

Lee's sister, Terri and brother, Scooter.

Karen (drinking her birthday wine) and Kathy

Sisters, Barbara and Karen

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Very cool ring! And his nephews are too cute!