Friday, July 16, 2010

3 Months and Counting

3 Months? Really? Things are really starting to go by fast!

Happy Birthday Mom!

I love you so much and hope you have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pre-Marital Counseling - Part 5

Topic - Finances

Last night we listened to alot on how to deal with finances before and after you are married. It was alot of information for only 2 hours but Watermark has a class called MoneyWise that Lee and I are interested in taking. It is a 5 week class that goes into detail about wisely dealing with money.

This post is shorter than the rest but that doesn't mean that we didn't get much out of last night. We did get a huge amount of knowledge, we are just thinking we'd like more in depth information.

I'll post again in August and let you know if we decide to take the MoneyWise class.

94 Day Challange

We have 94 days left until the wedding. We have challenged ourselves to go to the gym EVERYDAY for the next 94 days.......

We actually started this yesterday and Lee and I both got our workouts in. I am going again today during lunch (there is a 24Hour Fitness really close to work). I'll post every once in a while on how we are doing. It is going to get really tough on days that we don't feel like getting a workout in or maybe times that we are traveling. But we have made this a personal goal as well as a challenge for ourselves. I think we can do it......

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pre-Marital Counseling - Part 4

Topic - Spiritual Intimacy

I have procrastinated on this post. Last Tuesday was, as usual, an awesome presentation and wealth of knowledge about Spiritual Intimacy and where you stand in religion. I am going to keep some of the details to myself for now but I want to say that God is working wonders in Lee's heart and in my own. We are in a place that is better than any other we have been in the past 3.5 years. So, saying that, I ask for you to pray (or keep praying) for us as we journey through our spirituality and as God keeps working on us.

We love all of our friends and family who have and are supporting us through our engagement and who we know will support us through marriage! Thank you so much!

Kristen and Lee

Cake Tasting

Lee and I got to do some cake tasting last night. It was delicious, we had marble, chocolate, strawberry, Italian Cream, red velvet and more! We didn't waste any time picking out our cakes. We both found something we liked and chose what flavors we wanted. I'll leave this one a secret until the wedding but I don't think anyone will be disappointed!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July Weekend

We went to the Hill Country (Medina) with 2 other couples for the 4th of July weekend. Thank you Sarah and Isaac for having us:)

We got to the house around 1:30am Saturday morning. I have uploaded a lot of pictures so I'll just try to reminisce picture by picture.

This is right after we got there, unloading and putting stuff up. I was smiling but I was ready for bed:)

Brandon and Isaac

Our fridge FULL of food.....and wine.

The red wines......whites were in the fridge.

Kaity cooking breakfast Saturday morning.

The house we were staying at. It used to be a school house.

View from the porch.

Another view from the porch.

Another view of the house.

Rain gauge, I thought this was a really cool feature on the property.

The jeep we rode around in.

2 horses on the property befriended us (we had carrots) and I had a great time feeding them.

Lee giving them carrots.

Brandon and Kaity - great picture.

Isaac and Sarah - great picture as well.

We would take the jeep to this spot on the property where we could jump into the 'river' and there was also a rope swing. This was alot of fun. It might have taken me a while to get the nerve up to jump but I finally did it!

The guys about to jump in.

Sarah and Kaity hangin on their float.

Group photo

Kaity and I found out we both love puzzles.

A little blurry but Isaac and his float.

It was very peaceful where we were at. The property has something like 70 acres and we didn't have phone service. It was really nice.

On Sunday we took a scenic drive and came upon these cows. Look at this guy, he wasn't playing around!

Brandon and Lee - it was beautiful on this drive.

The jeep wasn't broken down but it did need to cool off while we took pictures and walked around:)

More of the cows that we saw.

Lee and I

After the cows we kept driving for a while and came upon this stream - it was so beautiful too. We stopped and hung out here for a while.

Mine and Lee's feet in the water.

I love this picture.

The girls watching the guys walk further up the stream.

This is a 'bumper gate', the jeep just literally bumps it and it swings open for us. I don't know the full story behind these but I think they go back many, many years.

That is all of the pictures. We had a fabulous time!

More of Lily's Birthday

Yesterday I bought Lily a birthday cake from Foxy Paws Dog Bakery in Willow Bend Mall. It is made of organic carrots, peanut butter and some other stuff. It will last in the freezer for up to 6 months so I told myself it would be worth it:) We gave her some last night and she loved it! Yes she has a birthday hat on and her 'birthday suit', if you think it is do I but I couldn't resist!

Eating her cake.

She wasn't much into the hat or the shirt.

I love this picture of her face, can't imagine what she was thinking:)

Lee got her a treat also that is a muscle from a cow's mouth and dipped in vanilla. Sounds gross but Lily was in heaven.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wedding Dress Fitting #1

I get to try on my wedding dress today! I'm trying to pass the time quickly but it isn't working well:)

I am so excited!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Lily!

Lily is 1 today! Lee and I don't know what life would be like without her. We delight in her love and 'puppy' fun everyday!

This is the day we brought Lily home. She was so small and loved sitting on Lee's lap:)

Her head looks tiny in this picture.

Thanksgiving 2009, we got her nails clipped at Petsmart for the first time and then took her down the toy aisle (can you tell she liked it)?

Lily's reindeer hat that lights up.

This is something she is really good at.......

Lily has brought so much fun, joy and love to our world!
Happy Birthday Bug!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pre-Marital Counseling - Part 3

Topic - The Role of the Husband and Wife

This week Lee and I both took away so much from the class. They split the class up so that the Men were in another room listening to a male speaker and the Women stayed and listened to a female speaker. The speakers are a married couple that have 5 children, whew. Again, they were wonderfully spoken and got their message across seamlessly.

The Role of the Wife is to be the 'helpful servant' and although it sounds like you are supposed to be weak and do what your husband tells you to do, that isn't the case at all. It means that no matter what is going on, be helpful to your husband, respect him, love him and serve him. One of the points my speaker made is that after 5 kids she doesn't have alot of attention to give to her husband at the end of the day. She went back to this alot and spoke about failing at this. There must always be time for your husband, if you have spent your energy on something else and don't have any when he gets home from work, then you haven't spent your energy well. She also said that, logically, there are 2 things that feed a man: hunger and sex. Learn what he likes to eat, and learn his appetite in the bedroom. If we withhold love or sex, then we have failed. And it is easy to justify withholding love when it feels like he isn't paying attention enough or has said something hurtful, but you shouldn't withhold love when you have the ability to give it. One last thing she said is this: men have the emotional capacity of a small red wagon and women have the emotional capacity of a 2 ton truck. This is true, especially when you want to talk it out for a reallllllly looong time and the men have checked out. They don't have the emotional capacity that we do so keeping it to a 'short account' is best if possible.

I have learned and grown already in the 3 classes that we have taken. I am watching Lee do the same thing. Invaluable knowledge and foundation of expectations..........

Next class is spiritual intimacy. Thanks for reading.

Ryan James turns 1

Allison and Bobby's son, Ryan, turned 1 on June 25th. They had a party for him last Saturday. It was a Barnyard Theme, and Allison, you did fantastic on everything! She had the place decorated so well, the cake was delicious and everything just went together fabulously! Great job Momma!

And finally I have a picture with my friend:)

Bobby, Allison, myself and Lee at the party