Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pre-Marital Counseling - Part 5

Topic - Finances

Last night we listened to alot on how to deal with finances before and after you are married. It was alot of information for only 2 hours but Watermark has a class called MoneyWise that Lee and I are interested in taking. It is a 5 week class that goes into detail about wisely dealing with money.

This post is shorter than the rest but that doesn't mean that we didn't get much out of last night. We did get a huge amount of knowledge, we are just thinking we'd like more in depth information.

I'll post again in August and let you know if we decide to take the MoneyWise class.

1 comment:

Amy Pawlak said...

Dave Ramsey's Finanial Peace University is awesome. Chris and I did it over 3 years ago and loved it!!!!