Monday, December 22, 2008

Weekend Update

We had a great weekend of shopping and Christmas festivities! Saturday night we went to see Pat Green at Billy Bob's and it was fabulous! I got so much shopping done Saturday morning/afternoon......but I will say that our last stop was Wal-Mart and I won't be back there....for a REALLY LONG TIME! What is it with parents that let their kids run around and throw baseballs and footballs at each other, dodging in and out of peoples carts?! I know I sound like I don't have kids (obviously) but can't you just keep the kids in the cart or attached to it somehow? Especially when there seem to be thousands of other people shopping and you might lose your kids? I think some parents wouldn't mind if there kid was taken by someone else.....

I needed to vent about that, thanks. We had Christmas with Lee's family yesterday and had a great meal as well as opened wonderful presents! We are definitley starting the Christmas traveling off with a bang.... We go to his parents again tomorrow night to give his nephews their Christmas presents and then we are heading to Tyler to spend Christmas with my family. Friday we are meeting up with his Mom's side of the family to spend a couple of days with them for Christmas and then Sunday we get to go home sweet home:)

I didn't have a tree topper this year so I put the TT hat that Lee bought me for Christmas on the top of the tree. I think it looks quite nice:)

This is before Pat Green on Saturday...OMG it was cold that night!

Ok, let me explain.....Lee shaved his beard off Friday evening and thought it would be fun to leave this mustache. Don't worry, I put the kabosh on that as soon as I saw it but I had to take a
picture first:) He looks hilarious and a little creepy.....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Tree

Lee got our Christmas Tree yesterday at Lowe's for a whopping $14!! We love it! He put the lights on yesterday and then I was in charge of the rest. I had so much fun decorating it last night:) I am definitly in the mood for Christmas now! And I am so GLAD to see the sun today....I was starting to get depressed!

This is my favorite ornament at the moment!

Here is the pretty tree!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Party

These are a couple of pictures I took before the party Saturday night. I had my camera on top of a box and set the timer but I still cut off part of Lee's head:) They aren't the best pics but thought I would post anyway.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Moved...and Settling In!

Friday was the big 'moving' day and everything went pretty smoothly! I had movers take care of all of my stuff and Lee had a friend help with some of his furniture. Lee's mom, Barbara, helped with whatever she could and I was so thankful. She put things away and cleaned as things were being put up in the kitchen! We were exhausted, to say the least, Friday night. We slept on a pallet on the floor because our mattress wasn't being delivered until Saturday. And it came bright and early Saturday morning - 7:30am! We love our new mattress!! Great investment. Saturday we spent the day unpacking and trying to just get organized. A friend of Lee's had a Christmas Party Saturday night and we had a great time (I had way too much fun drinking red wine because I couldn't even move on Sunday!). So Sunday was shot as far as doing anything productive:) I had already taken Monday off so I did finish my unpacking then, once I felt human again! Today we are getting a hutch for the kitchen (for more storage space) and I think we are also going to get our Christmas tree tonight. I really haven't done any Christmas shopping yet, ugh! I'm going to try and get a couple of things today and finish it off on Saturday. Then Saturday night we are going to see Pat Green at Billy Bob' excited for that!

I hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends this Holiday! I'm so thankful to have all of you in my life!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Pictures from the weekend

Friday afternoon we went to the Kimball Art Museum to see a Nativity from 18th-century Naples. It was fabulous but I didn't get any pictures of it. Although, the trees outside the museum were awesome with all different colors so I got a couple of pictures!

Saturday night we went to Heather's house for her Dad's 50th Birthday. We had a great time and they are wonderful hosts!

This is Heather's dancing face:)

Marlo, Heather and I posing for a picture.

This is classic Marlo.

Marlo and Lee.

This is all for now. The countdown is on (11 days exactly) until Lee and I start cohabitating!! Yes, I am very excited for our first Christmas together in the same living quarters! My Mom will be up this week and weekend to help me pack and I am so grateful for her! I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday!

Thanksgiving in Ft. Worth

Meredith and I spent Thanksgiving with Lee's family this year. My parents went to vist my sister Gretchen in Alpharetta, GA and had a wonderful Thankgiving with her family! Mer and I went over to the Gwaltney's on Wednesday evening and had a fabulous time with all of the family!

Here is Barbara trying not to get her picture taken with all of the alcohol behind her:)

Mer and I getting in on a pose.

Here is a good picture of Lee and his Aunt 'Karen the Missionary'.

Scooter and Terri - Lee's brother and sister.

Thanksgiving morning, Lee, Bill (Lee's Dad), Meredith and I walked/ran the Turkey Trot in Ft. Worth. We had a great time and I hope that this is something we continue to do as a Thanksgiving Day tradition!
We were up late the night before so I took a couple of pictures of Lee and Meredith trying to get ready. Meredith is getting her number pinned on.
And here is Lee, at 7am with his sunglasses on!!
This is before the race started but I did get a smile out of him.

TTU vs. OU.....bummer

I haven't posted in a while so I have things to catch up on. Saturday, November 22nd, Lee and I went to a friend's house to watch the TTU-OU game. Turned out it wasn't really a game at all! And this is sad really because this is the first picture I was able to get Lee to 'get his guns up' and smile all at the same time!! Oh well, the Red Raiders have had a great season and I'm looking forward to the Bowl Game that they will play in.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Great Article

This was written in 2000 in the University Daily and was just reposted. I was at Tech in 2000 and had to post this here - I feel this way in every sense!!

What being a Red Raider is all about
By Brandon Formby
October 16, 2000

Red Raider: n. 1. a student, athlete, administrator, faculty or staff member associated, formerly or currently, with Texas Tech University. 2. One prone to wearing scarlet and black and Double-T's; also one prone to getting their guns up.
This is probably the best definition of a Red Raider in it's most general, literal sense of the term. But have you ever wondered what it really means to be a Red Raider?
It's a bit more than someone who attends class or works on the campus of Tech. It's about more than formulating a campus master plan or studying for English 1301. It goes beyond, way beyond, walking beneath these archways and red-tiled roofs day in and day out.
Being a Red Raider is walking beneath these archways and red-tiled roofs day in and day out, and feeling blessed that God, for one reason or another, saw it fit to bring you to this 2,000-acre heaven on Earth. It's about knowing that tortillas were made to go through the air, not go with queso. It's about being upset when it's rainy because the Saddle Tramps couldn't wrap Will Rogers.
To be a Red Raider is to listen to Aggies and Longhorns talk **** about Lubbock and how Tech isn't a real school or a real threat, while knowing in the deepest recesses of your soul that had you gone to their schools, you would either be an arrogant ***-kisser or a brain-washed freak who has a strange fetish for Collies. And to know they could never understand the beauty of that Seal, the pride of holding your guns up, or even the serenity of a cool West Texas night in the summer.
To go to Tech is to be strong enough to choose your own path- to celebrate the spirit of independence that brought this campus to life more than 75 years ago. It is to wish something bigger and larger for your life. It is to strive for excellence, for honor, for unity.
To be a Red Raider you constantly have to feel like you are having to prove to others that your school is worth something, your student body can accomplish things and your athletic teams have not peaked, with undying vigilance, because you know you don't really have to explain anything to anyone.
You are a Red Raider if "Grandioso" blankets your heart in a warmth you have yet to find words to describe, if your hometown is more than seven hours away, but you don't care because it's well worth the drive, and if the shin splints on the way to class don't really bother you because - well, damn, because you are taking classes on the most beautiful college campus known to man.
It's about standing in the student section and cursing the offensive line, all the while praying on the inside that our boys would play like you know they can. It's about believing Marsha Sharp truly is a god and wanting the Lady Raiders to go all the way this year like they did in 1993.
Tech is about more than drinking, more than studying, more than making friends. It's about planting roots in dry West Texas soil and reaping the benefits. It's about spirit and tradition and evolution and change. It's about having big dreams and working to bring them down from the sky to place them here on Earth. It's about Carol of Lights and Memorial Circle and the Masked Rider. It's about refining yourself and reaching your hand up into the big, sprawling sky to go for what you want. It's about going to class the Monday after the university's biggest football defeat in history and not feeling ashamed to be a part of this school.
Tech is different for each of us. That is its beauty. Yet its eternal wonder is that somehow, it is also the same for each of us.
And above all this, being a Red Raider is more than just being a student, athlete, administrator, faculty or staff member associated, formerly or currently, with Texas Tech University. It's knowing that Texas Tech University is the best-kept secret in the Lone Star State.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Great Fans

Tech fans are gearing up for the game this weekend against OSU. I just wanted to put some pictures up of the fans camping awesome! I wish I was a student again to enjoy all of this chaos!!

This is so funny about Coach Leach from Texas Tech! Wreck em Tech!

Happy Birthday Stephanie!

Today is Stephanie's birthday and I hope she has a FABULOUS day!! I think you should celebrate all weekend Steph! :)

Manny's, Margarita's, Marlo, and.......a little Celebration!

If you have ever been to Manny's, then you know how yummy their Brisket Tacos are!! Lee and I celebrated our new living quarters (apartment in Arlington) with a couple of margarita's! We move on December 12th! I'm so excited that we will live together and not have to drive so far to see each other! We found a great place and I think we are going to love it! Moving is not the most fun thing to do and especially around the Holidays but this is definitly worth all of the fuss!

Marlo and Lee - good picture.

This is not a good expression from Lee but we are 'cheersing' to moving in together! He looks stunned (should I be worried)?!

Below are some pics of the new place:

This is the den/living room area.

Second bedroom/study





Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Lee and I carved pumpkins again this year and had a great time! Meredith came up for the weekend and hung out with us. I think the best part of the weekend was watching Texas Tech beat Texas 39-33!! I was loving that! What a great game and this weekend TTU has OSU and it should be another great game. I posted some pics of the pumpkin carving below.

This is Lee's 'Scary Clown'.

My 'Witch'.

My witch before the carving started.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Update

Sleepy Lee....

Lee and I went to Tyler Friday evening to visit my parents and then we had a wedding to go to in Carthage on Saturday. It was nice to get away and not have to do anything really. The wedding we went to was a friend of Lee's that he played baseball with at Louisiana Tech and also for a while after college. It was a very nice wedding.

We watched Texas Tech reem Kansas 63-21 on Saturday! College Gameday is going to be in Lubbock this weekend for the TTU-UT game! I can't wait for this game! Lee and I really wanted to go to the game but tickets are so expensive that we decided we would watch it on TV. That will be our Saturday night:) We are going apartment hunting on Saturday morning so hopefully we will get all of that done before the game starts.

I also wanted to say Happy Birthday to Amy! I hope you had a great weekend!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Japanese Palace

If you love sushi, then Japanese Palace is a great place to go in Ft. Worth! Lee and I ate there Saturday night for a birthday dinner and it was great! Here is our 'before dinner' picture:) What a great weekend! The weather was so nice, TTU beat A&M 43-25, I got a new coat for the winter (but it is supposed to be for Christmas so I made a deal with my Mom that I would wear it this week if it gets cold enough and then I have to give it to her so that she can put it up until Christmas.....I'm like a little kid, I know!!).

Friday, October 17, 2008

Stella B's Grand Opening

Julie opened her boutique, Stella B's, yesterday in Arvada, CO. I put a couple of pictures below of the store. It looks awesome! I'm so proud of you Julie, congratulations!

The Most Unexpected Surprise

Within a week I have been in contact with my best friend growing up, Brandy Arena, and one of my best, dearest friends from college, Allison Speck! I have been out of touch with Brandy for 12 or 13 years probably and I haven't talked to Allison in 7 years! It is the most welcome surprise for me to reestablish a friendship with these girls! Brandy is in Austin and I am so excited to catch up with her in the next couple of weeks. Allison is right here in the Dallas area and I ended up running into her at lunch today! It was one of those, is that her, it looks like her but what if it isn't.....type of things!! I went up to her anyway and what an awesome surprise to see her! I can't wait to catch up with her and find out how life is going and what she has been up to!

I was in Indianapolis a couple of weeks ago for training/testing to become certified as a Software Tester at the Foundation Level. I just got my test results back this week and I passed the exam so I am officially Certified! I don't think I have been that stressed about taking a test since college and I was probably more anxious to pass this test since I had coworkers that knew I was taking it and would give me a REALLY hard time if I failed!

The weather will be awesome this weekend, I hope everyone gets to enjoy it!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Lee surprised me with a trip to the Circus on Friday evening! I had a great time!! I felt like a kid again the whole time I was there!