Monday, April 27, 2009

Funny Post

I hope this makes a couple of people laugh (at my expense)!! Yesterday after cleaning the house and grocery shopping, Lee and I stayed in for the rest of the day. We were just watching TV on the couch and I was cold so I was snuggled up underneath a blanket. Lee thought it would be funny to take my 'baby' blanket and put it around my head. When he did he was laughing so hard that he could barely take a picture, but he got one. So here is our humor..........I look like ET!


Amy Pawlak said...

Long live the blanket!!!!! :)

Stephanie said...

Girl, you look so pretty. I laughed at you too!

Oh, and in your baby shower pictures below, I love that "Like a Virgin" is playing on the TV at her BABY shower. LOL!