Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Baseball Season is Over

Baseball Season came to an end on Saturday night. The Cats were playing in Pensacola and it was a 'must win' for the Cats to stay in the playoffs. They stayed in the game and put up a fight but in the end Pensacola was the better team. I picked Lee up at the field on Sunday when they got back and it was really nice to spend the rest of Sunday and all day Monday with him! This baseball season seems to have been a little harder on me and I think a couple of things played into that. This was our first baseball season to be living together and he was in Mexico for a month and a half. Even when he got back from Mexico and was playing with the Cats again, they seemed to have alot of games on the road. But, with that said, it was a good season and I am so happy to have Lee around more and more!

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