Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Movie Monday

I missed yesterday since it was Labor Day but I'm going to post my 'Movie Monday' quote today because it feels like Monday anyway:)

Here is the quote:
"Everything. OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life."

It is a long one but, nevertheless, I think a great quote from a great movie.


Meredith said...

HaHa that would be Chunk, from The Goonies! Great Movie! :)

Ronna said...

Ok, we just watched Goonies on the way home from Destin...so good!