Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 Miles, Check

I ran 10 miles this morning! The temperature fluctuated between 17 and 18 when we started and who knows what it was when we ended (quite honestly I couldn't feel a thing by mile 5 so it didn't matter). Conditions were not ideal this morning to be running 10 miles and once I got to 7.5 I wanted to quit and when I got to 8.5 I wanted to quit even more! Thank goodness for my coach who knew better than I did that I could finish and for pushing to do just that. I'm proud of myself for doing is very mental and I can't wait to run the Rock n Roll Half in March and finish all 13 miles by myself! And thank you to Meredith for being ready with blankets this morning when I got home - it took blankets and a really warm shower to get my body temp back to normal!

1 comment:

Allison said...

My friend! Congratulations - 10 miles is very impressive. I will never complain about running my daily "3 miles" on a "tredmill" every again! Lets try and schedule a lunch next week sometime!