Friday, January 22, 2010

Dear Lee,

Here is to 3 years.....

I remember the night I met you like it was yesterday.

I remember the first time you came out to Dallas for a date. We went to Pei Wei but I took you on a little adventure because I had ordered from the wrong Pei Wei:)

I remember the first time I watched you play baseball.

I remember our first Thanksgiving and Christmas together.

I remember our trip to Hot Springs and how bad the storms were but we had a great time!

I remember San Antonio and how it sucked.

I remember looking for apartments when we decided to move in together.

I remember the night we moved into our apartment. We made a pallet on the floor because we didn't have our bed yet and we were so exhausted it didn't matter anyway. It was the best night.

I remember Cancun and the authentic Mexican food! The great weather, watching you pitch was amazing and enjoying every minute with you.

I remember picking you up at the airport and thinking I've been waiting 3 months for this!

I remember the day we picked up my ring and celebrated at Ozona's.

I remember the night you proposed.

I remember loving you today as if it was the first time I told you I loved you. And I remember I said it first:)

I am ready for the excitement of this year and remembering how fabulous our wedding day will be!

I love you....


Amy Pawlak said...

Awe... that is really sweet! Great post!

Unknown said...

This is super sweet! I remember the first time I met you and Lee was super giddy about you coming to meet up with us! I'm so incredibly happy for you guys! : )