Thursday, June 10, 2010

Road Rage

So, I'm driving home from work yesterday on George Bush. It is 5:30pm and traffic is horrible. I'm in the left hand lane and I'm behind 10 cars going 75 (approximately) and a truck is trying to get around me but he can't, there is nowhere to go. So, instead he sticks his arm out of the window and proceeds to give me the finger for a good 30 seconds to a minute. And he isn't just flipping me off but he is waving his arm around to make sure that everyone sees what he thinks of me.

I drive everyday (twice a day) on several highways and most drivers suck. But this guy stands out because he was first class white trash and from the way his truck is so poorly taken care of I'm positive there is no insurance involved.

So, NO, I'm not going to move over for this guy to just get in front of me but behind the other 10 cars in front of me! After a not so great day, he didn't make it better but he did make me realize that I am way better off than he is!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Amen, sista! Ignorant fool!