Monday, June 15, 2009


Lee is getting oriented in Mexico. He pitched on Saturday night and did really well but they still ended up losing that game 4-2. He will pitch again on Friday and this time will be at home in Tabasco. I'm anxious to see what he says about Tabasco because so far Veracruz has been the hottest place EVER and his teammates are telling him that Tabasco is worse! Lee said he might as well be playing on the sun:) Funny guy. He was able to get a phone on Saturday so I finally got to talk to him and that was wonderful!! My sister was here with me all weekend just hanging out and we had to run some errands on Saturday so I tried to get them done before Lee called. We didn't get down the first aisle at WalMart before he called and I stepped outside to talk to him. Poor Meredith roamed around WalMart the whole time I was on the phone! Good sister!

I'll update again later. Hope everyone is having a great summer so far!


Meredith said...

yes I am a very good sister! But I wouldn't wonder around Wal Mart that long for anyone else!! :)

Stephanie said...

That's awesome about Lee going to Mexico. I'm just now reading your blog with the updates. I know you are missing him. You can come hang out anytime. And yay Meredith for being the Wal-Mart wanderer. :) So funny.

Amy Pawlak said...

Sounds neat! Next time Meredith is forced to wonder around WalMart tell her to call me... I will give her my list to help pass the time!!! ;)