Monday, June 29, 2009


Friday night Lee did end up pitching for 3 innings before the power went out in the stadium and they called the game. It has been raining so much in Mexico and if the game isn't called or delayed because of rain, the power goes out?! Lee was a bit irritated but only had 48 pitches before he will pitch again on Thursday. I got up early Saturday morning to meet my parents in Terrell to switch cars (they had my window fixed in Tyler). I left the apartment a little after 8am and it should take an hour or less to get to Terrell......but instead, there was a man on the ramp from 360 to 20 East trying to jump. Everything was shut down so that he didn't land on someones car (I suppose). So, it took me two hours to get to Terrell and then I came back on 30 because it was still shut down at 1pm! UGH! I'm sorry this guy was having a mental breakdown but that was a big inconvenience! But I did make it to Terrell and my drivers side window works (thanks Dad!). We ate at IHOP and then I headed back. Went to the pool for an hour but I couldn't handle much more, it was so hot! Saturday night I went to Lee's parents house to celebrate his Aunt's birthday. I posted some pictures below. I had a great time!
My mom gave me these beautiful flowers!

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