Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer is here

Gracious, it is HOT outside!! Just wanted to update everyone on how Lee is doing and what else is going on. Lee is doing awesome! He has pitched once since I last posted and he dominated!! He is actually supposed to pitch again tonight but he said that it is raining in Puebla and he isn't sure if they will get the game in. I'll post to let you know what happens. He is getting more and more used to the cultural differences and has become friends with a couple of guys on the team that have been great. They have helped him so much and you don't always find that when you are in a new country by yourself (trust me, I know). He has traveled to Oaxacha and Puebla so far (besides playing in Veracruz when he first arrived). He plays against Cancun in July so we are hoping to meet there and I CAN'T WAIT!

I have not had much going on. I went to Tyler for Father's Day and had a great time. It's always nice to go home and just relax. We went to see 'The Proposal' Saturday evening and if you haven't seen it.....I don't recommend it. Just your typical chick flick. I plan on getting some pool time in this weekend and I guess cleaning. And just relaxing. I try to keep myself busy because without Lee here, I just feel blah. I miss him terribly!

I hope everyone is doing well and I will try to keep this updated more than I have so far. Love to all!

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