Friday, June 12, 2009


It has been a while since I posted anything and I'm sure that there is alot I have to catch everyone up on but the biggest thing for now is that Lee has gotten the opportunity to go play baseball in Mexico!! He is playing in Villahermosa, within the state of Tobasco. He just left this morning and this has all happened so fast that it is still a blur to me! This is a fabulous opportunity for him and for us but, of course, I am torn because I already miss him. He was out of town with the Ft. Worth Cats and just got home yesterday so I really didn't get 24 hours with him before he left. He will be in Mexico until the end of July and I know that it will go by quicker than I can imagine:) If everything is going well I will go down there the week after July 4th to spend some time with him. Villahermosa is on the Gulf side and not too far from the Cancun area. We looked up all of the towns that he plays in and they are all in that general area as well. The Mexican League is the equivalent of a AA team here in the States. They pay significantly better in Mexico and if he does well he could possibly play in their Winter season. This is all great news for him and I am so thankful that he has had this opportunity come his way! Please say a prayer for him that he gets quickly oriented and does well down there!

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